Angeline's Magical Appearance

Stefanie's shrieking voice distracted Angeline's cooking moment. Her sudden scream alerted her, surprised to see fear mirrored on her sister-in-law's face.

Before she could speak, her husband, Ethan, and Andre suddenly appeared in front of them. They all looked concerned, all eyes on Stefanie.

"What happened here?" Jacob asked as he approached his sister, who stood up instantly and hid her face in his chest

Jacob was confused; he turned to Angeline, who shrugged.

"I didn't know what's wrong with her," she said. "We were talking, and then she suddenly screamed. I mean, do I look like a ghost?"

"Ah," Ethan expressed, looking at the two women in front of him. "She could be surprised that your hair changed color."

"Oh. I didn't realize it…."

"But ... but why?" Stefanie asked, still shaken. Hiding her face in front of her brother. "Why did her hair suddenly change and become glossy white?"