Angeline's Paralysis Spell

"We can't stay here for long. Maybe more wolves are coming and planning to attack any minute now," Jacob expressed with annoyance but at the same time worried for the safety of them all. 

"Please, let me help, Jacob ..." Angeline said. Her eyes begged as she stared at her husband. "I think I can do something. We can't stay here for longer. Stefanie is going to give birth soon."

"How did you know?"

Angeline licked her lips," trust me, alright? Now let's do something."

"I've no doubt about your ability, but no, it's too many of them," he responded coldly. "I can't let you face them."

"Okay, I won't then. No one's going out, but please, follow me without too much aggravation. Let's get out of here as soon as we can."

"Alright, I'm with you then, baby. Just tell me what to do," Jacob replied with a formal look. "Let's get out of here."

"Are you okay, Tefi?"

"Y-yeah ..." Stefanie replied, unable to hide the anxiety in her voice.