Jacob Saved Little Angeline

Jacob was lying on his side on the couch on which he was lying. From time to time, he smiled at the conversation between the two women who used to be enemies but from what he saw, it seemed that the storm was over with his wife and sister. Then he heard the newborn baby girl cry.

"I'll have your baby first," Jacob heard Angeline say, making him smile. "Oh my, she's so cute!"'

Stefanie laughed, "I haven't seen your twin babies, but Alissa said they're too adorable and look more like my brother."

"They're not even ten days old, so it's not yet certain who they look," Angeline sounded in a protest. And looked back in the direction of where her husband was lying down. She was surprised to see him staring at him. And their eyes locked for a bit.

"Why that look? You want a daughter?" Jacob teased.

She shook her head," not another pregnancy. That was tough," she retorted when she heard her sister-in-law's voice.