Jacob Met Fafarla

JACOB glanced back, trying not to show his fear. The wolf in front of him was familiar. He had encountered it once. But he was not sure if he would be able to return home alive in those moments because of the child he was carrying. He was not alone this time.

He stared at the wolf with sharp fangs sticking out. When it jumped higher, he made a quick duck, grabbed the nearest rock he could pick up, and let go of the child to the ground. 

Jacob cried out in great pain when the wolf's teeth sank into his shoulder before he could avoid the wolf's next attack.

Despite the severe pain, his senses were very alert. He quickly slapped the large rock on the wolf's face. And he swiftly turned to face the bloody face of the wolf that rose again. His head turned upward and howled. Creepy sound to Nicholas's ears. Somehow, he got an understanding that he was calling for backup.