Attending To Mr. Albrecht

Jacob and Ethan went quiet, but each of them was busy with the running of their thoughts which were disturbed by Jacob's phone. He picked it up from the side of the car's handbrake.

"Yes, Aunt Katerine, "he replied, darting a glance at his brother-in-law. "Yes, Ethan's with me, and we will be there shortly.  All right..." Jacob ended the phone and put it down.

"Something happened to him?"

"Yep. He had short breathing when he arrived at home."

"Shall I go ahead of you?"

Jacob contemplated it while looking ahead of the car; then, he glanced at his young brother-in-law.

"Calm down. We're almost there..."

Ethan nodded, and then he was quiet.

When Jacob darted a glance at him, his eyes were closed. He looked no different from someone meditating.