Jealousy Strikes Again

ANGELINE was looking at the wall clock in their bedroom. Her mind was full of her husband's meeting with his ex-girlfriend. She didn't like the prevailing tightness of her chest to think that he was with a woman.

Does that mean they're still seeing Michelle? She pondered again and again with an exasperated sigh now and then.

We talked about not fooling around but now called me that he was with that woman. How honest he is. He really can't stay away from the woman completely, but he thinks I'm his possession if he rubs his hand on my waist. He's annoying!

Angeline was not in the mood when Jacob arrived past eight in the evening. He noticed a half-finished sandwich and one piece of unopened Godiva chocolate on the tiny table, which he found from Ashley that it was his wife's favorite chocolate.

"Go and have your dinner," she said, not looking at him while Jacob looked at her closely.