As they make their way slowly towards the center of the river, things started to change. As the normally peaceful river started to roar and waves started to rises as if a dragon was throwing a fit beneath it. What they don't know is that, there was.

"Hold on tight. This is about to get nasty!" Hero says as he tried his best to balance his raft. While Brine on the other hand was trying to tie up all their items together to make it easier to find in case things get nasty.

They are unaware, of the danger lurking beneath them.

"Deploy the sea serpent sir? I think the siren would be OK for them."

"Nah, I wanted to see a real fight, see how they adapt fights in different surrounding."

"You say it boss."

Suddenly, Hero's instinct kicks in, he senses something. He stood up left and right trying to search the source. He felt an uneasy feeling, feels like something big is approaching, something dangerous….

And that's when he realizes the lights underneath the raft. Is that a lantern? Wait, its approaching. What the hell-

"Hold on tight Brine, something's coming!" Hero shouted as he uses the bamboo pole to try to swerve the raft off course. He uses every strength of his body, every single inch of his muscle inches as he tried to turn the raft against the current.

Too late.

At that split second. A huge snake like beast dashes out of the river surface. Letting out a high pitch roar before dive back into. Leaving a huge wave that overturn their raft. So do every single one of them as well as all their items.

"No, no, no…." Brine tried to turn over the ship but it was too heavy for her. Plus, the lantern were approaching towards them, fast.

"Come one! It's too late!" Hero pulled Brine away from the raft.

"But, our stuff."

"Who cares, get moving or we are all gonna die!"

"No….." At that moments, the raft the spend so much time building was shred into pieces as the sea serpent dashes out of the water, letting out a high pitched screech. But this time, he return to complete his job, once and for all. Instead of diving down to the depth, it headed straight towards them.

He drags her across the river, but the current is getting stronger and stronger, and the sea serpent is approaching fast. Just as it is a few blocks away from them, it launches it into the air, ready to pounce onto them. At that moment, they are able to see clearly the beast. It is silver green, with shiny scales covering its body. It has no limbs but this makes it able to glide through the water like a bullet. Its head resembles the one of a dragon, with large blood red gills at a side, huge jaw filled with sharp needle like teeth as well a weird "whisker" located at the bottom layer of its lower jaw.

Just as it was about to impact, Hero pulled Brine towards him before blocking off the nasty attack with his shield. The impact itself was strong enough to push them away deep into the water. As the current become stronger and stronger, they felt like ragdolls in a middle of a storm. Being tossed and thrown across the water, losing every single breath of their precious air every time.

"Damn it, I can't stop!" Hero reaches out his hand, trying to catch something to stop his momentum, but all he could fell is the icy cold water streaming through his fingertips. He was about to give up, until he saw that he was about to brace into the wall, that's when he got the idea.

"Hope this works." He took out his pickaxe as he throws it towards the wall, which breaks, creating a tiny hole, he took out his shield as the water pushes his towards the hole. All he could pray now, is that his shield holds.

God may hear his prayers, as soon as they enter the hole, he is able to block away the impact as he swiftly blocks away the opening with a cobblestone block. As the water drain out, his breaths heavily, it fells so refresh to finally having air in his lungs, he never knew breathing is such a joy until now. It was until now he remember that Brine was still in his arms. But when he lay down Brine to see whether she is fine or not, he noticed something off. As he flip her over, he found out that.

One of the bamboo shard.

Has impaled her chest.