"Hero…" Brine was finally awoke as she turn her head strenuously, searching for Hero.

"…" He remain silent as he treated the wound with the remaining items he could savage.

"Hero…" She whispers again, softly as tried to get up, but a sudden force of pain pushes her back to the ground.

She felt something was stuck, as pain throbs in her chest. She felt weak as every inch of her was drained from the wound. As if a leakage from a bottle of water, except instead for water, it was her soul.

"Here," Hero put his arm on top of her mouth. "Bite it so that you don't accidentally bit off your tongue."

She open her mouth slightly as she gently nibbles onto his arm.

"Get ready!" He grab the end of the shard with one of his hand. He could felt her teeth sinking into his arm ever so slightly.

"One, two, thre-"

With that he pulled out the shard before quickly cover up the wound with some algae slime coated wool. Which stops the bleeding, but is not enough to save her tiny life. He sink his head into his hands as he sigh and look at her. She had fainted out of the pain he had experienced. Through the weak fading light created by the furnace, he could see beads of sweat mix with tear roll down her cheek and onto the mattress he created with some kelp. He look at his arm, she did not bit down, the only thing she left is a small, shallow bite mark. He uses his finger to trace the mark carefully, it was so tiny, so small as if a rat has nibbled on it.

He stares of it for a while, then suddenly he got a flashback. He remembered the first night he stayed at this world, he was attacked by a creeper that blow of his feet and arm, but yet he survived. Why… He then recall the hunger and the lamb chops, that's right, its food!

She needed food to regenerate!

Immediately he search his whole body for any edible food, but all he has is some kelp, 30 blocks of wood, a crafting table as well as his trusty diamond axe and iron shield. He was in a dilemma right now. His pickaxe is broken so mining out isn't a very great option, even so, they are now in the center of the river that stretched hundreds of mile, so even if he is able to mine, it would take days or worse, weeks.

Well there is only one way right now.

He look at the entrance of the small cave they are right now. He could still feel the existence of the sea serpent, it is still guarding outside, as if it has already know that he has to leave. He take a glimpse again at Brine's face, her face is as pale as paper and her lips is quivering. He has no choice, at least he has to try, at least once. He took out his axe and shield as he break open the cobblestone block before closing the opening back.

Sure enough the moment he turn his head back, the sea serpent strikes as it dashes towards him, its mouth opening wide. Luckily Hero is able to block off the attack with his shield, but the force itself was already strong enough to launch him blocks away before finally stopping. But the moment after stopping, the serpent dashed and hit him, forcing him to block and being launched away. He is unable to land even one blow onto the sea serpent. His shield is about to break and his lung is begging him for oxygen. He has to make a move. This time, as the sea serpent charges, he dodged swiftly to the left before landing down his first hit right towards the head of the monster.

As the hit landed, he taste a metallic taste. When he regain his sight, the entire surrounding is filled the serpent's navy blue blood, making the water cloudier as if a thunderstorm was approaching. He grasp his axe as his eyes scan the surrounding area for the monster. What he doesn't know is that he is now in grave danger.

He felt a gush of force approaching from behind, like a charging bull, as if death itself was approaching. Alerted, he immediately turn around, at that moment a huge wave deals impact on his right arm, his shield finally broke into pieces, so do his hope.