"You are what?" Brine tried to lift Hero from the ground.

"I need to find the cure." He stumble towards the top of the structure. "Time's running out."

As he reach the top of the structure, he saw a new sign on top of the roof. He swept away the sand and dust on it as he mark down the coordinate on the map. He took out his clock as he stare towards the sun. It was roughly midday right now, he needed to hurry.

If the curse he had is real, according to the book, his soul will be taken away by the god of death in the next sunrise. Only 12 hour left for him to find the pyramid, defeat the pharaoh and get the sacred curse crusher potion to break his curse. He has to hurry.

"C'mon, the pyramid is that way." Hero jump down from the top of the structure as he started to head towards the coordinate marked according to the.

"Hey, hey, hey, Hero." Brine grab him by his arm. "What pyramid, you never tell me a word about what's happening."

"I drank the water, I am cursed and I needed to find the cure in the pyramid marked on the coordinate given to break the curse if not I will die tomorrow when the sun rise." Hero stopped as he struggle to spit out every single word out from his mouth. "So are we gonna keep going or not." He asked as he shook her shoulder.

She froze in track for a while before nodded. "Yeah." She took all the items as they walk. Whenever he has suffer days before get worse after the curse effect. The nauseous fell get even worse as if something was about to gush out of his throat the moment he let his guard down. His sight become blurry and hazy with his eyelid weighting over a trillion ton. His legs were like jelly as every strand of his muscle trembles while he tries to walk. His head felt like a brick while his throat felt as if it was on fire. The fire, tingling felling fills his throat as he let out a disgusting retching noise. He turn his head back as he look at Brine, she seems quite shaken about that as she froze and look at him. She has never saw him like this before, to her he is like a tree, an unbreakable wall, he would never fell on his knees, he would fight against it. She felt fear, seeing him suffering like this.

She afraid that she might lose him.

"Hey, Brine" Hero snap his finger twice to gain back her attention. "Left your items here, we will return to get it once we are done." Hero pointed towards the chest located within a hole. "I've mark the coordinate, so don't fear of losing it." He let out another dry cough as blood spit out from his mouth. She turns her head away, she couldn't bear to see him suffer again.

He can't continue.

Not any longer.

He had fought for her once.

Now it's time for her to pay.

She glance at the backpack he left as her mind races. "It's now or never Brine!" A voice shouted in her head. A sudden determination makes her snatch his backpack away and ran. She could heard the wind whooshing through her ears as well as Hero calling her name. She has to, she knew he wouldn't let her go alone, this is the only way. He is too weak to continue, or either arrive even before dusk. The backpack she left have enough food and supplies for him to survive comfily for the night. Her mind doubt her decision but her heart says so.

And she decides to follow it.

After a whole noon of searching, she finally found the location the coordinate has led to. As she climb over the final sand dune, what rolled into her eyes isn't one of those big, huge pyramid shaped structure created with smooth sandstone, it was just a flat piece of area with nothing on it. No sign, no hint, no structure, nothing.

She took out the diamond axe and shield as he slowly approaches the area. Those weapons were extremely heavy for her, as she try her best to remain balance with it, trying not to stumble down the dune. She take out the map and mark the coordinate twice, there is no mistake, this is exactly where it led! But how bizarre it is. She started to scouting the area, hoping to find something that would at least tell her where the pyramid is. Dusk is approaching, and time is ticking by.

As she step on the very center of the coordinate, the ground suddenly set loose as she fell down into the abyss. The fall was long, and she was a hundred percent positive that she will not survive this fall. She flip over her backpack and search the inventory for anything that could help. She have heard from Hero that bed and hay bales are able to stop or at least decrease the damage caused by the fall, but all her food and bed were back with Hero.

Right then, she realizes the other thing that can stop the impact from falling, water.

And just as she was thinking, she found the water bucket. She took it out the bucket together with some torches as she light up the surrounding and make sure the exact time to put down the water bucket. The ground was about fifty blocks away from her, and she has to keep her eyes peered for any second, the perfect timing is what she needs to survive the fall.


She screamed in her heart as she splashes the water out of the bucket, creating a water pool as she lands on it safely, without any scratch or even broken bones.

"That was a close one." She whisper in her heart as she lights up the surrounding area with torches. It seems like the sand storm that happens constantly must've buried the pyramid, as it was now sink completely within layer and layer of sands. As she step onto the pressure plate, the entrance open with a loud creak, as if the devil itself has awoken from a long sleep. A huge gush of damp, rotten air blows out and swept her face, creating a loud roar like a monster in agony and pain.

She didn't run

She didn't scream.

She didn't flinch

She didn't turn

She walk right into the entrance without any sign of hesitation as the heavy sand stone door shut right behind her.