As the door shuts, the interior of the pyramid returns to darkness. She was about to take out a torch in order to light up the surrounding area but before she could even do so, the torches aligned on the side of the corridor light up by itself, followed by another gust of wind.

Brine approaches as she inspect the torches on the wall. Instead of the normal blazing red fire, the fire appears to be cyan blue, with purple at the tip of the dancing blaze, creating a mysterious yet dangerous felling. She knew that these kind of flames were called as soul fire, forged by the fallen soul.

Whenever lies at the end of this corridor must've been dangerous.

She took out her axe and shield as she slowly approaches. Every step she take makes her heart skip a beat. She have never fought a mob before, she's not built for that. But even though she was scared, she has to. She quicken up her pace as she come closer and closer towards the end of the corridor, where the pharaoh awaits her very arrival.

After walking for quite some time, she finally arrived at the tomb of the pharaoh. As she approaches, the heavy sand stone door slides open with a loud thud, as if he has already know that she is coming. But what roll into her eyes was unbelievable, a room, filled with all sort of riches and treasure. With gold coins, emeralds and jewels piling up at every single corner of the room. Stuffing up it till the fullest. And at the center of the room was a heavy stone pillar, on top of it was the item that she have been searching for so long, contained within a glass bottle, was a deep red liquid, mix with traces of blood red chunk, the curse crusher.

"Alas you've come, my child."

A sudden voice boomed and echoes through the corridor, making her shudder as she crouch and held up her shield.

"Hey, hey no stress."

She peek through her shield as her eyes scanned the room, searching for the figure.

"You've come far for here, to undo a curse."

She saw it, a figure hovering a few feet on top of the air. He was slim, slender, with body covered in strips and strips of bandage. With a crown like structure on his head and a weird beard like thing sticking out of its lower chin. His body were well preserved, without any pungent or uncanny smell, but a fresh lavender scent. Sand seems to circle around its body, creating a path that spirals clockwise on its arm, torso and feet. One of the bandage were unwrapped on his head, revealing its green ghostly eyes that stares right into your soul.

"To cheat death, to live." He continue his speech as he hover closer and closer to Brine.

"I am not the one that is cursed." The grasp of his axe and shield get tighter, she cant let her guard down.

"How rare, to risk a life for ones, a soul for a soul." The pharaoh gasp sarcastically as he circle around her, inspecting this weak, fragile girl in front of him. "Then it is a suicide, I can make you leave if you wanted."

"No." She say firmly as she took out the diamond axe and pointed towards the pharaoh "now give me the curse crusher before I force you to."

"Idiot." The pharaoh let out a menacing laughter. "Dare a mortal to challenge a god, then let it be!" With a simple gesture, the ground started to rumble and let out a loud creak, as if the land itself is moving. The sudden quake make her stumble but she quickly get on her feet. As pieces of broken land started to reform, a flat area was created, it resembles a huge bowl like arena with sand pillars on the side and blazing fire on top of the pillar. The land of the arena were marvelously created in a mosaic art style that resembles a blazing sun.

"Throw away your weapon mortal, you need more to kill a god." He sweep his hand softly, as her axe and shield were forcefully taken off and threw towards the corner. With another sweep, the weapon started to float and levitate in front of her. She stares at the pharaoh for a while before choosing the bow at the very edge of the list, mainly because other weapons were either too heavy or bulky for her to use. The moment she touched the bow, a arrow shaped light started to form on the string itself, waiting to be fired. She inspect the bow closer, there were words carved onto it, with a mesmerizing glowing feather attached to the end of the string, creating a holy feeling once wielded. Instead of string, it is a light, glowing stream of fabric that once touch will created a light melody as if an angle's harp.

"Great choice mortal, that's a great bow." The pharaoh let out a light chuckle. "But that might be the last you shall touch."

Brine pulled the arrow as she aim it straight on his head.

She let out a breath, this is it

The pharaoh let out a grin as he screamed: