With that Brine let go of the arrow as the pharaoh dashes towards her. He took out a sickle like weapon, but with a longer staff like handle from his back as he tilt his head ever so slightly to evade the incoming arrow. As he approaches, she fires out two more arrows before evading his first attack, a quick cut from his sickle. She dodges it fairly easily before firing another arrow out of her bow, He duck the shot fairy easily as he crouched to the ground and attack, this time aiming for her legs. She reacted and hop back quickly as she evade the attack swiftly, like an acrobat performing the act of her life.

The fight continues as they keep on, she keep her distance away from the pharaoh as she tries to land an arrow on him, at least just once. 30 minutes has passed, her legs were trembling and her arms were shaking, every inch of muscle were straining, she was tired from all the shooting, aiming and evading. Her breath grew heavier every second pass by as her focus went hazier and hazier. Time is ticking by, she need do complete him before sunrise, by the looks of it, she wouldn't be able to land one single bow shot before it

She has to change tactic.

After using the bow for a bit, she found out something, that these arrows were light based. That means any reflective surface would make these arrows ricochet, enable her attack to be more unpredictable and making her gain more control. She has miss her arrows a few time before on purpose and tested out some of the smooth stand stone slab of the floor were capable of reflecting these light arrows.

Well here goes nothing.

She pull their distance once again with a beautiful perfectly rimed backflip before firing a arrow right at one of the smooth sandstone slab lying close to him. As predicted, the arrow ricochet as it strike towards his eye, but luckily he is able to block it with one hand. As the arrow pierce through his hand, she felt excitement, accomplishment, as if she was in hunger for his blood.

Knowing her tactic work, she continue to fire arrows towards any smooth sandstone available within the arena. Her rapid fire causes the arrows to rain, hitting the pharaoh at any imaginable angel. Soon his body were pierced with arrows, as he tremble, not in pain, not in fear, but in excitement.

"Heh." He let out a dry, cold chuckle.

"Not bad for a mere mortal." He tilted her head and smiled. "But you need to remember, this is my pyramid, my kingdom!" With that he inserted the sickle on a hidden compartment underneath one of the slab like a key. As the ground starts to tremble once again, he let out a menacing laugh.

"And you, play by my rules."

Suddenly, coffins and tombstones started to levitate around the pharaoh as a bright ray of light shoots through the dark cloudy sky and straight towards the pharaoh, followed by a deafening thunder, so loud, so bright as if it was about to split the world into half. A huge bellowing roar followed, together with a gust of wind so strong that almost blew her off the arena, which is right now almost a thousand block away off ground, dropping down will be a death sentence for her. She hung onto one of the pillars as the wind came gushing in right at her face. She closes her eyes as tightly as possible as she use every inch of her muscle to cling on the pillar. But it wasn't easy, especially when you have a bow in hand.

Suddenly, the wind stops, so do the roar and the light. As if nothing has ever happen before. Brine stood from the floor as she look at the pharaoh. He is now surrounded by a layer of armor created by the coffin and tombstone, making him look bulkier. "The slower the better." She whisper in her heart as she take aim.

The pharaoh didn't even budge as he stare coolly towards the arrow.

"Now." He crouch in a monkey like stance with both of his hand on the ground.

"Fell the power." The armor on his body starts to transform, transforming into jet turbine, before he lift his head and dash towards her at alarming speed, so fast that it break the floor beneath it and create a sonic boom.


She let go of the arrow, but it deflects once impact on the armor. She release a few while backing away. She sense fear, horror and death from his body. He didn't even bother to dodge as the arrows bounce away from his armor. Creating a sharp dinking sound every time it bounces. She tries her best to keep her distance but he was way too fast for her to handle, within half a minute, he was already right in front of her.

His hand curled up to form a fist as sand started to circle and merge, creating a huge sand fist almost twice the size before hitting her, right at her stomach.

The first punch.

Her kneel down as she let out a scream. She felt pain she have never experienced before. She stretched his neck as if she was being choked, his eyes widened as pain forces tears to be squeezed out. She let out a agony and painful sound from her throat like a injured puppy. The bow fell from the ground as she wrap her arms around her abdomen.

"Here is one thing that differ us god from you, mortal." He approaches at a slow pace, every step was like a ticking clock, a ticking clock of death.

"We, are the creator, we create, and we stay in the light forever." With one hand, he grabbed Brine and lifted her up midair. "While you." He tilted his head and let out a slight grin. "Mortals, the created, shall stay in the darkness, forever." She stare at him and with every single strength she spat out her word.

"Then I rather go blind than stay in the light."

"Oh, is that so." He shake his head ever so slightly, amused by her courage, even at the brink of death. "Then, let's make it official."

Sand started to from beside him, dark, burnt sand, or should I say, cursed sand. "Any last word." The pharaoh say as the sand starts to form like a tentacle of a sea monster, aiming her eye, ready to strike at any moment. She let out a chuckle, as she uses every power she has to open her eyes.

"You are never a god, and never will."

"Very well." The pharaoh let go of her as the sand gushes into her eyes. She let out a scream as pharaoh let go, letting the sand to flood her body, filling her eyes and mouth as well as ear, consuming her from the inside.