The series of event happened so fast that the people didn't even have any time to react. Before they could think, they are all flooded by the huge mass of snow pouring down from the mountains. Some manage to evade by hiding within caves or behind large stone and boulder as cover but most are not that lucky to have cover close to them as they are send flying, washed by the snow. So do Hero and Brine as they were plunged into the icy waves, being twisted, twirled and spun like crazy. The moment the motion finally stop, Brine was already out cold.

Hero crawled out of the snow, although the avalanche almost kill all of them all at once, it also pushed him closer towards the desert. He settle Brine down and took the ice crystal before struggling to head towards the desert and out of Howling Peaks, which right now is only twenty blocks away from him, but the Frostmaw is a step faster as it burrow its way through the snow and right in front of him. To the king of the mountains, the avalanche is nothing but a slight drizzle, he seems unaffected though as he let out a below, bearing his fangs towards Hero. Hero tries to slip past the beast through an opening beneath it but to no avail as he was caught immediately. With its hand it he catch Hero like an insect by his head as it lift him up. Hero took out his saber and slashes, but only manage to cut off some of its fur as the monster react fast enough at let him go on time.

Hero panted heavily. He was totally out of energy by now. The series of events has drained him completely. His visions were hazy as every single inch of his skin is stinging like crazy, as if fire ants were crawling, covering him from head to toe.

The Frostmaw advances as he let out a huge side swept with its huge arms. Hero immediately raise it's shield to block the attack but the mere force of it was enough to send him flying, this time he smashed right into one of the rock hard wall. Before he could even react from the attack, the frost maw was already right on top of him as with one hand it pin him down to the ground and with the other he bashes him against the wall like crazy.

Every hit send him smashing to the wall, he could feel the pain of his bones breaking, but he can't do anything. The beast was relentless, sending blows and blows towards him without giving him a moment to breath. Under the constant hit, Hero finally lose his grip as he fell unconscious for a second. And that second was all it takes as the beast seize the moment and snatch away his shield and saber, throwing it blocks away from Hero. It continue its pursuit as he raise its hand and bashes Hero. Without any form of shield, all Hero could do it to keep his hands high, and the first bash has send one of his arm broken.

He let out a scream but the beats has let out another hit, this time he felt pain coming from his chest, one of his collarbone was broken. The hit was follow by another, and another, and another. The beast finally stop after Hero was fully unconscious, as he finally let go of the ice crystal in his palm.

The Frostmaw took the ice crystal and place it into its mouth. It starts to glow dimly as frost particles start to form beside him. He grew bigger, larger and stronger. As ice spikes sticks out of its back down to his spine, the horn on top of his head grew larger and his hind leg grew larger, enabling him to stand on his hind legs. He stretched his newly form before puffing his chest and let out a roar as a sky blue beam shoot out of its mouth, piercing the sky into half, clearing the dense clouds. After the roar he turn his head around and let out a cold stare towards the remaining survivors.

"This is it." James gasped. "We failed."