Hero's world shook. His whole body feels numb by the overwhelming pain. He tries to stand up but realizes that he couldn't feel one of his leg, again. His eardrums seems to rupture from the force dealt by the Frostmaw's attack. He could hear every single sound around him, as loud as the sound of the beast roaring, as light as the snowflakes falling, he could hear it all. He felt uncomfortable, his head is throbbing as his thoughts were completely blank. He has no idea what he was doing here, where he was, and what the hell is he doing.

It was after a deafening roar of the Frostmaw that kick him back to reality.

He struggle to stood up, his left leg is completely shatter as he limp his way to his shield. His steps were unstable, like a drunken man, as if he would fell down flat to the ground and lose his consciousness any second by now. The broken collarbone pressed against his lungs, making his out of air after just walking for a few steps. The world twirl around him as he took up his saber and shield. He suited back and tries to rejoin the battle, but he was knock away by the Frostmaw once again without effort as he fell back to where he came from.

He can't

He is way too weak.

His mind buzzes as thoughts flashes through his mind. And just at that time, he remember the words regarding the obsidian saber in his hand.

"I forge it out of obsidian, a balanced mixture between ice and fire,"

Ice and fire….

"the middle is still piping hot lava"


"And besides, we can't fight fire with fire."


Fire, yes, fire!!

Hero hopped back. His bone ached but he couldn't care more. He took out his flint and steel from his pocket. This will work, this must work!!

Norman let out a gasp as air escapes his lungs due to the impact. His banner broke once again. "Come on man." He complained, but before he could complaint even further, the beast has already come rushing towards him. He lie flat on the ground and barely dodged the hit, which created a huge crater on the wall beside him. The beast lift its foot and stomp onto him, but he roll away at the last moment. The beast bash at him again but this time it was blocked by James as he created a ice wall, blocking the impact, giving time for Norman to get up on his feet.

The Frostmaw look at James as he open its mouth, a huge ice ball formed within his jaws before launched towards him. He stomped both of his legs on the ground as he raise his hand together, another huge wall was formed, this time larger, thicker as it block the ice ball, both shattering into pieces. James began his counter, two large ice chunks formed out of thin air. He yeeted both of them towards the beast, a direct hit, but it didn't deal much damage.

The beast let out a low growl as it lunges itself midair and smashes down towards James. He immediately formed another ice dome surrounding him but this time the dome shatter upon impact. He immediately do a barrel roll as he evade a series of punches and stomps of the Frostmaw. He tries to stand up again to fight but the monster swept his limbs. He created another ice wall but the attack break through the defense and hit him right at his legs, causing him to fell flat to the ground. The Frostmaw approaches as he lift his hand high up, ready to destroy what he have created.

Just then everyone felt a heat wave.

The Frostmaw stop what he is doing as he turn his head around, right at that moment, a shadow leap across his head and leave a huge cut down his chest. The beast let out a deep growl as he backs up, holding his palm against his wounded chest. The figure stood between the Frostmaw and the rest of the people as he held his flaming saber.

"God I love this weapon."

The beast let out another roar as it charges towards Hero, swiping his hand. Hero take a leap to evade but a sudden pain strike from his leg, causing him to get hit by the blow. Luckily he is able to guard some of the attack with his shield, but now is left arm is also fractured. He slightly kneel down to the ground as he dig his knee into the snow, to ease and numb the pain. The Frostmaw lifted up his hand as he is about to smash him into pieces, but just right at the second, Hero leap out of the ground, bearing the soul piercing pain of his wound as he held the handle of the saber with both of his hands and strike towards him.

The sudden attack surprise the beast, but it still manage to dodge the slash, though it took out it's left eye and leave a huge scar down his face, cutting off one of his horns. As a repayment, the Frostmaw grab him by his ankle and slam at him right into the floor. If his ankle's wound is bad before, his leg is completely broken by now.

He did a roll immediately to gain some distance between himself and the Frostmaw. He cant out-power this beast, all he could do is to outsmart him. His weapon is now capable to hurt him, make him bled, all he need is to find a suitable opening in order to lay the fatal hit. The Frostmaw seems to be in agony though, as it let out a huge roar, sending winds that is strong enough to almost toss Hero away, if not he plunge his saber into the floor beneath him to keep his position fixed.

The beast let out another roar as he open his mouth, a huge ice ball starts to form. Hero can't escape the attack with a crocked leg like that. All he could do is to raise up his shield and block the attack forcefully. The Frostmaw seems to fear him from getting too close with him, he has learnt his lesson as he kept his distance and fire a barrage of ice ball towards him. Each shot sending him a few blocks back, and that was exactly what he wanted.

He is currently being pushed up to the higher ground, which is definitely a huge advantage for him as he has the higher ground. After a lot of shooting and blocking, the iron shield finally gave up as one of the dent turns into a hole, forcing him to abandon the shield. The Frostmaw seems to be out of breath too as it stop attacking for a while. And that while was all that he needed as he utilizes his higher ground advantage to glide down the hill. He leans to the left side slightly to gain advantage over the blind spot created by its blind left eye. When the beast is confused searching for him, he is currently behind him, he focused every single of his strength on his less injured right leg as he leaped towards the back of the beast. With one hand he strangled the beast's throat in order to get a better grip over his head and with the other he stab his saber right into his head.

The beast let a roar.

Just when he thought everything is over, the beast let out another roar and it leapt almost ten block up midair and slams the ground on his back. He could hear his bone cracking as blood spat out of his mouth. He took out his saber and stab once more, and the Frostmaw follow with another slam, this time higher, stronger. As his back impacted the hard cold stone floor once more, he lost his conscious, his grip loosens as the saber slept out of his hand.

Is this the end?


I can't die.

If I die they all die.

I don't want to lose

I cannot lose

He let out a final gasp as one of his collarbone pierce through his lungs .He grab hold of the beast's head with his arm and with every single remaining strength he stabbed the head with his saber.


The beast struggled, scratching his arm, digging his fangs into it, slamming him against the mountain wall but he is relentless. One, two, three, four, five, on the sixth stab, his body finally gave up as he let go of the Frostmaw and fell back, out cold. The Frostmaw let out another soft growl as it's eyes turn blank, and fell. His body began to glow as the beast let out his final roar, as it turns into ice particles.

"Thank you Hero." The other stray and James whispered. They start to glow dimly, turning into ice particle as they merge together, a huge beam of light split the sky, blinding the rest of the gang. As the light fades, an ice crystal descended through the sky and hovers towards Hero, before merging with him. He shone as every single wound inflicted to him is healed at an instant.

"Thank you, my friends. Thank you…." Through the mountain winds, they could hear the words. As the blizzard stopped, the cloud parted and the fog disappeared. The sun pierced through the sky and shone on Howling Peaks. For the first time in the past hundreds of years, light has shone upon this cursed land. Bringing joy, faith.

And hope.