Hero panted. Beads of sweat drip down from his face and down to the ground beneath. The blazing son didn't help much with the situation, his hair is drench wet as if he had just take a shower. He try to wipe away the sweat that itches him as if ants were crawling along his body, but the iron piece attached to his limb weight his hands down. He couldn't even lift his hand up, or even move.

He is a living target.

"Get used to it. Weight training is just the basic." Arthur said before slide in front of Hero and threw a few punches, Hero barely held his hands up and block the hits, he was about to back up but the weight at his feet make him stumble and fell flat to the ground. "Stand up!" Arthur commanded with a kick which hit him by his shoulder. Hero's face twisted in pain, but his limb is sore as if it is going to be tear apart, but he has to move, if else he would only end up like last night.

He scrambled to the ground on his all fours, trying to let the weight to be spread out equally to the ground and make himself a smaller target, but was kick square in the face by Arthur. "Stand up!" He roared before lift his foot up and stomp onto Hero, who rolled out of the way. "It is just a mere 20 kilogram and you are crawling on your feet!?" Another punch right on his face, then his ribs and a kick "Stand up and fight like a man!" With that he ended him with an uppercut at his jaw. Stars appear in front of his eyes, the world went black for a second, but he was able to recover from it quite quickly.

"If you didn't land one hit from me today." Arthur stare at him with that same cold dead eye just like last night. "You are not leaving." He stood between him and the entrance to his house, arms crossed between his broad chest "Looks like he isn't joking." Hero stood up from the ground, swaying like a kite in a thunderstorm. He wipe away the blood from his nose and lips. He look at his limb, the iron piece has already tear down a part of the skin as red crawl out from the cracks. Giving him a stinging sensation.

"Let's go for round two shall we." Hero let out a weak smile and lift his hands up. "That's the spirit." Arthur lift his hands up too with a smirk on his face and slowly walk towards him. Hero stood at there, timing. He has heard about people training with heavy items attaching to their limbs to boost their speed and strength, but this kind of training needed time for the body to adapt. He barely even get used to the weight, so landing a punch at Arthur on a normal fight is almost impossible for his standard.

That's when he got his idea.

The force his weight upon him.

Just when he entered his attack range, Hero bear the flesh tearing pain from his limbs and dashes towards him, crouching while grabbing him on his abdomen. Arthur seems to be surprised from the attack and try to stop but just like what Hero predicted, the weight made him impossible to do so. Arthur raised his elbow and hit him by the back of his neck which is fully exposed. The attack work though, for an instance Hero almost fainted, but he bit his lips and strike his ankles with a low swipe kick, causing him to lost balance and fell.

Hero sat above him and lifted his fist.

He is breathing heavily, blood gushing from his nose, his lips is torn apart, from the way he looks, he is just like a demon. But Arthur didn't even lift his hand up to block, because before he could land his punch, he has already fainted. Arthur's experience in this league is always correct. No one can keep awake after a hit like that. The spoke point is one of the most fragile area in the human body and closest to the nervous system, a hit on it is already enough to send a strong healthy men down, harder strike would even kill someone in an instance.

"This kid." Arthur panted and push Hero away as he lay beside him and panted. "This kid is going to be great." He smiled and look at the blinding sun and look at Hero. He remembered that he is out cold right now, his smile fades and let out a sigh. "Let's get you home for treatment." He mumbled to himself and carry him on his back, walking back to his house.