After two weeks Hero finally get used to the weight although he still loses again and again against Arthur. Aside from the normal fight, he has been attacked by Arthur out of the blue for 20 times till now in this period of time. Whether it is when he was in a middle of the sleep, middle of a meal, or even a bath. "It is the element of surprise." Arthur laughed when Hero ask him why he keep doing that. And out of the twenty attack, Hero didn't even counter one of them, always he is beaten out the inch of his life.

Eve seems quite happy about that though, since she can practice her spells and potions on him. Her healing isn't always perfect though, it would often leave some scars or wounds but she always say she does that on purpose to make him look "cooler" and "tougher". Hero knew that it was just a small error but he didn't mind, he like the look of those scars anyway. It was supposed to be a normal Sunday, but when the king's messenger came to call for Hero only to the palace, he knew what is going to happen.

"I've found your friend my child but…." The King spoke hesitatingly, Hero stood at there, trying to act as cool as possible. Even though he knew that his possibility of meeting her is almost zero, but he still hope that miracle would occur, even with the slightest chance. "You friend, she is already dead the moment we found him." He finally complete his sentence and look at Hero. Hero's eye faded, the string that he have been clinging on for the past weeks finally slap.

He fell to the void beneath it.

"Hero? My child are you there?" The king's words echoed in his ears, so distant as if a call from a different dimension. He walk out wobbly from the castle, down the hallway and into the street. He bump into people, almost get squashed by an incoming cart but he didn't feel a thing. As if all of his emotion has been drained.

He finally lost it.

As the sky rains, he cries.

He lost everything he had in this world. Brine, Norman, Rose. They are like the sun shaded by the cloud.

They are gone.

Forever gone.

He cries like he had never cry before. Hatred, anger, revenge, remorse all mixed within his hearts. He crouch at the corner of a dark alley and bawled, letting the rain and his tears mix, streaming down his face. He finally lost it, he lost his friends, his family, his treasure, his loved ones.

He lost hope.

It was ten hours at night after he was found out by Arthur and Eve, completely broken. When he arrived home, he went up straight to his room and shut the door up. He lay on the bed, unable to sleep, memories flooded in his mind. He really lose her, for real this time. "You okay kid?" Hero lift his head up, he saw Arthur poking his head from the door that was slightly open ajar. "Yeah." Hero sniffed and wipe away his tears, Arthur come in and sat beside him, handing him a bowl of stew. "Eve wants you to eat it." He say, "Can't let a hero hungry."

Hero let out a bitter laugh and take over the wooden bowl. He scoop out the soup with a spoon and blow on it for a while before consuming. As he ate, he couldn't control himself. Beans of tears began dripping into the bowl, it was too much of an impact for him. Suddenly he have nothing. Nothing in this world.

"Hey kid." Author finally spoke after a moment of silence. "You wanna hear my story?" "Yeah." Hero nodded, Arthur gaze at the moon through the window and began his tale. "My father was a famous martial artist, Yashiro Toba. My name was originally Fei. I was destined for greatness according to my father, I was taught the moment I could walk, a traditional family technique known as the Toba Family Tradition. I am very talented, at one point I even surpass my father. But it all changed when a twin brother that I didn't even know exist appeared." He paused, as if he was gathering his emotions and courage to speak what happened next:

"They killed my father." His voice seems choked, Hero stare at him, his eye is gleaming from his own tears. "And I am helpless to change that. I was forced to sit and watch the entire village burn down in dust just to save my family's tradition. I wandered for god knows how long, until I met Bryan, or the King. He taught me ways, I still remember the day he tell me, whether I could continue running, or face the demons." He paused and stare at Hero, "And I chose to fight back, I trained the way you are trained, and soon enough, I have my revenge. But the moment I was about to drive my sword into the heart of those devils, I hesitated." He paused once more. "There is a word, blood is thicker than water. So I spare their lives, and swear to defeat them again and again so that one day they would gave up, one day they would become my brothers and stay by my side, and that's my path." He gaze at Hero in his eyes as he put his hand onto his shoulder.

"Now what's yours?"

Whilst Hero was thinking, Arthur lunges a punch out of the blue. This was his main goal actually. Men were weak and easily put their guard down during situation like that. Now it's time to test him, whether emotion would overcome his reaction. His hand stopped midair right when the punch was about to hit him, Hero grab him by his wrist, his instinct has already surpass everything.

He is ready.

He let out a deep sigh as he let go of his hand.

"Teach me."