Impending Disaster

"What the fuck…"

Laying inside the room marked by a pyramid, twelve barely-clothed female attendants lay side by side, giggling and twitching on the hot sandy floor. Wet drool slobbered across their cheeks left dark marks in the sand as they flailed occasionally this way and that.

Fortunately or unfortunately, some were still in their outfits, sporting that tight seductive fabric that highlighted each and every one of their curves. Leather, latex, denim..

All sorts of fetishes had been projected onto these well-trained women, making them the perfect partner for the Guests that were ready for a wild night.

'Holy shit' Jake stared in disbelief as he noticed that most of the Attendants had some part of their clothing forcibly removed, and judging from the way the fabric had been messily torn, it seemed the process was quite violent..

Most notable was the area around their dripping wet pussies-

Littered around their dripping entrances were visible red bite marks that gave a clue as to how they were stripped- Through tearing the hard fabric off by teeth..

"Ahn~" "Haahnn~" "Ahaa~" Some moaned out again and again, as they relived who knew what experience they had from just a few moments ago. The others simply giggled and laughed into the air, as if some part of them had become broken..

"You're telling me that girl did this?" Jake voiced exasperatedly to Reta, who stood mutely at the side. Her gaze had dropped guiltily to the floor.

Things weren't supposed to be this way.. She was to receive a mega-bonus for going the extra mile to train an S class Attendant for the Inspector..

But not anymore-

Now the situation was dire. The brothel could handle five or six fewer Attendants, but twelve?

That was just an operational hazard.

Could the Attendants even last through today..?

Even though it was just the afternoon, many Guests had flown from overseas for a time to enjoy themselves, and if they were to receive understaffed service- There would be hell to pay.

"Shit.." Jake groaned, realizing this fact. This was out of his area of expertise.. And to make things worse, the only one who was qualified to respond in this situation was none other than his direct superior Inspector Vixen.. And if she found out..

"Reta.." Jake grasped his forehead in his hands, kneading his temples over and over again, wishing that this was a nightmare he could just wake up from.

"What did you do..?"

"Aha.. umm.. Just the usual you know.. She was fine when I left.. Really.." Reta replied nervously. This situation had never happened before, not in the entirety of her attendant training history..

How the fuck did she take out twelve attendants..? Reducing them to this.. State?

"Are you sure she was okay?"

"Yes.. Yes.. She was so tired she didn't respond to me after the training.. Only until I left the room-"

"Which room?" Jake's eyes narrowed. Something was amiss in this entire story.. How the girl had gotten to this point throughout this entire process..

"Ahh.. that's the weird thing.. ha.. haha.. she was only in S.."

"Fuck." Jake swore. "I knew it.. I shouldn't have trusted you."

"No.. I.." Reta protested weakly, but she got cut off immediately.

"ATTENDANT TRAINING S? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Jake yelled, his voice echoing within the hot desert chamber as he continued..



Reta lowered her head as she let Jake vent his frustration. Who knew how long it had been before he finally went out of breath, swearing as he sat exhaustedly onto the hot desert sand.

"Drugs.." Jake whispered hoarsely, eventually returning to his logical state of mind. He had to salvage the situation before his boss found out and all was lost..

That was one of the reasons why he had made it as a 'Leader', calmly analyzing the next move - bringing him up the organization ladder from an ordinary 'Guard'.

"The red pill doesn't have any known side effects.. But judging from how she still has enough energy to take out 12 attendants.. She's going into some kind of frenzy.. We need to get to her before anything bad happens."

Reta nodded meekly, glancing at the twitching women below her. She gulped as she wondered what kind of dirty pleasures they had been subjected to..

Her body felt slightly hot from just looking at them..

"Get Bruno, and make sure none of this gets out to Veronica.."

"RETA- GO- ALREADY-" Jake shouted irritatedly as he noticed the woman wasn't paying attention to him.

"Ah- Alright alright-" Reta broke out of her trance, quickly hurrying out of the room before Jake could yell another barrage of insults at her.


The door closed with a thud as Reta exited the pyramid room. So many questions had been left unanswered..

How did the girl stay awake? What made her go to such lengths to fight exhaustion? What did she do to the Attendants..?

When Reta saw the unclosed door of the Pyramid room and found the twelve bodies lying there in a neat straight line, she had panicked, immediately checking their health condition as they laughed and twitched stupidly under her.

"Sheeesh" She groaned. "What a terrible day.."

She looked down as she reached for her communicator and cigarette. The Guests and Attendants below had returned to their usual hustle and bustle..

But who knew how long it could last?

"Bruno-" She spoke into the communicator-


Her communicator dropped loudly to the floor as she felt something cold and sharp prod at her exposed back..

A girly voice giggled behind her.

"MasTaH~ I missed you~"