Knife's Edge [R-18]

"Girl.. you don't need to do this.." Reta spoke slowly, afraid of provoking her assailant.

Who knew if the girl was still mentally stable? Exhaustion and drugs make a dangerous combination..

Gulp- Reta swallowed loudly as she heard no response, only to feel the tip of the knife gently brush against her skin. The cold piece of metal twirled around her shoulder blades before slowly moving down her spine.. plucking against the strings that tied her tight black corset together.




One by one, the thin strings that tied her corset together snapped, slowly but surely releasing the two large melons that were hidden inside them..

Each piece of cut string unveiled another inch of her round c-cup breasts, on display to the crowd of Guests and Attendants below..

Reta breathed heavily as she let Maya do the work- any moment the girl let her guard down she would turn around and snap that knife out of her hands..

Click. Click..



As the last piece of string snapped and released her pair of breasts into the air, Reta whipped around swiftly, reaching to secure the weapon that had been aimed at her back.

But she felt.. Nothing.

'Huh?' Reta's eyes boggled as she instead found the cold sensation of steel just below her throat.

Pap- Almost on cue, her black corset landed on the floor, revealing her upper naked half to the world.. All that covered her chest were some leftover white frills from her maid outfit, which made her body look bewitchingly seductive to any passersby..

"Tut tut tut-" Maya tutted, in a tone like she was dealing with a naughty child. "MasTah.. What are you doing..? Hehe.."

"Uh- Umm.." Reta cursed silently. Shit. How did the girl react so quickly?

Reta was trained in many different types of martial arts.. Krav Maga.. Taekwondo.. Judo.. You name it, she was qualified in almost every category to defend herself and others from Guests and 'broken' Attendants.

It was the regular Underworld training for Trainers like herself, such that they wouldn't get hurt in the event an 'Attendant in preparation' couldn't take it anymore..

But this was the first time her speed was outmatched. How?

'Fuck.. Jake better take her down..' Reta slowly turned to face Maya properly.

The golden haired girl was no longer dressed in her blue frilly dress, instead she had adorned one of the attendant outfits.. Likely stolen from one of the attendants themselves.

Tiger girl style, with two tiger ears poking from the top of her head and a pair of orange patterned gloves that matched with the tight furry costume adorning her chest.. Her glistening pussy could be seen sparkling as her orange underwear had become stretched thinly to the side..

"Mastah, you like?" Maya winked, making Reta instantly notice that the girl's eyes glowed a dangerous shade of red..

"Listen-" Reta tried to speak, only to be cut off by the cold metal that brushed against her neck.

"Nevermind~ I don't care! I'm a tiger, get it~? Rawr~" Maya roared cutely, holding the other tiger paw close to her cheek in a cute fashion..

Something about Maya's red eyes mesmerized Reta, they were pretty, like a jewel…

"Umm.. yes.." Reta panted, trying to fight the dizzy feeling. What the hell was going on?

"Hehe~ I knew you'd get it MasTah~ I'm the tiger to hunt a fox after all.." Maya grinned cutely, the sort of devilish cute that was wicked yet irresistible..

"Yes.. A fox..?"

"That's right.. A naughty, naughty fox~"

"Wait.." Reta couldn't think straight. It felt like all the exhaustion she had accumulated in the past hours had come back in one go- making it hard for her to even move a muscle..

"Don't worry about it~ Here, have a pill~ It'll get rid of your headache.."

Maya reached for the flask tied behind her furry back, and before Reta could react, she grabbed a brimming handful of pills, shoving them deep into Reta's open mouth..

Some couldn't fit, going along the sides of Reta's mouth before dropping loudly to the ground.

'Eh?' Reta wanted to protest, but it was too late.. With a dry gulp she swallowed who knew how many pills..

Cough- Cough-

Reta spluttered, sending a few red globs of spit onto the floor. "What have you done.."

"Ehehe~ Good job MasTah.. Listen~ I'll make you feel even better~" Maya grinned, sending a shiver up Reta's spine..


The door to another room was opened, one marked with stone castle walls..

'The Royal Dungeon'

As soon as the door had been opened, the sounds of hot moans and wailing cries could be heard from inside..

"Aahn~ No more~" A feminine voice cried, shortly followed by another.

"Someone.. Save us~ Ahe.. Ahehehe.."

"FUCKKKK-" A piercing shout could be heard, followed by wet squelching sounds..

It seemed that Reta wasn't the first one to be there.

'Don't follow her..' Reta tried to think rationally, attempting to resist the drugs that had been pushed inside her body.. Two or three pills? She could handle that..

But five was way over the safe limit, considering the recommended intake was one per night..

And she had taken what, ten? Fifteen?


Reta shivered, already feeling the drug take effect. She felt an instant rush of heat, sending small slobs of drool slipping from the corner of her lips and onto her exposed breasts..

The red pill was well known for its quick effect.. But for the first time, Reta felt that it was a bad thing..

And why did she feel so drawn to this girl..? Her right foot moved before she knew it, taking a step closer inside the dungeon..

'Fuck.. stop..' Reta's eyes crossed in concentration, making her body pause..

'Good.. Need to.. Alert.. Jake..' Reta's body turned slightly in the direction of the pyramid door.. The doors were just side by side to each other, but why did it feel so far..?

Maya watched on silently, her distorted smile curling further as the maid slowly inched her way to the pyramid door..

Step- Step-

'Just a bit closer..' Reta could already feel herself leaking.. Small drops of juices exited her lacy black panties and down her stockings onto the floor below her..

'Fuck..' Reta cried out as her hand landed on the metal doorknob. The cold sensation felt hot in her hand.. The drug was well into effect, and she could tell every inch of her skin was beginning to feel.. Very fucking sensitive.

The doorknob slowly turned as Reta used all her strength to twist it..

"Do you nEed hElp with that..?" A shrill voice echoed in her ear as Reta felt a finger slip into her lacy black panties..


The finger hooked upwards, spreading her sensitive pussy lips before penetrating inside her..

"Fuck- Nnngh~" Reta bit her lip as she felt her hot juices dribble down the girl's finger and onto the floor.. The feeling drove her insane and it felt like she had been pierced by a molten sword, its heat spreading deep into her like nothing before..

"FUCK-" Reta cried out, fighting the urge to give in to a mindblowing orgasm. 'Keep it in- Keep it in- Remember your training.. Breathe..'

Haah.. Haah.. Reta couldn't even speak anymore, afraid a word would give way to an unstoppable orgasm.. And once one started, the other wasn't far behind.. Giving way to a mind-breaking method of pleasure that she used on her trainees..

She was familiar with this process.. But why was she the one on the receiving end..?

Maya's smile widened as she hooked her finger higher, making Reta feel the full length of her index finger..

'Fuck- Fuck- Fuck-' Reta couldn't even move, lest a slight brush of the finger against her sensitive pussy bring about waves of whirling pleasure..

She was just a door away from help..

'Should I go for it..?' Reta swallowed, fully aware that she only had one chance..

She only needed to alert Jake and he could handle the rest..


'Here goes nothing..'