GRAHAM was elated.

He transformed. Every inch and fiber of his being screamed that he finally succeeded in transforming into his wolf form. He didn't know how he did it when he didn't even do anything, but he was glad to be able to change into what he was supposed to be.

[I'm not a failure! Father, Brother, I did it! Please be proud of me!]

The power of the wolf inside him was weak. It was better than when he felt nothing at all though. He might not still be able to fight a Lycan yet, but at least, he was able to transform.

"I did it, Eclaire," Graham said happily to the girl that he first saw as soon as he opened his eyes in that world. Thankfully, just like the other Werewolves, he was still able to speak the human language despite being in his wolf form. "I finally transformed into a wolf!"

Eclaire looked awkward at first but in the end, she gave him a polite smile. "Congratulations, Graham."


Did he already introduce himself to Eclaire?

But maybe he shouldn't be surprised. After all, it wasn't like he was any different. He already knew Eclaire Song's name even before she introduced herself earlier.

[Eclaire probably has the same 'Access' that I do.]

He could ask her about the Access later. But first, he wanted to know how he was able to transform into a wolf all of a sudden. He had a feeling that it was thanks to Eclaire and the mark of a Luna on her wrist.

But then again, he could be wrong.

[After all, I have never seen the mark of a real Luna before.]

Should he check again?

He wanted to ask Eclaire for permission to inspect her mark again. But he froze when he realized something that he should have noticed right away.

Why was he looking up at the young lady?

"Eclaire, did you turn into a giantess?" he asked carefully. "Is that your ability?"

Eclaire covered her mouth with her hands when she gasped. Then she immediately squatted down to match his eye level. "It will be faster to show you than have me explain it," she said politely, then she pulled out a smartphone from the front pouch of her sweater. She worked on her phone for a short moment before she turned the screen to his face. "Graham, look."

He blinked while looking at the adorable and chubby Siberian husky puppy on Eclaire's wallpaper. Was she showing her dog off to a wolf like him?

[She must be a fur mom.]

He heard that people with fur babies were very passionate about their "babies." Perhaps, Eclaire wanted her pet dog to assert dominance by intimidating him. It was silly but since the young lady was his benefactor, he had to go along well with her.

"Your pet dog is very cute, Eclaire," he said while smiling. He was just being polite though. The chubby dog was really adorable. "You have to watch out for his weight though." He didn't know if it had something to do with his wolf-like abilities, but he could tell that the dog was a male right away. "He looks too big for his age."



Did he just hear the young lady stifle her laughter?

"Graham, this isn't a photo of my dog. In fact, I don't have a pet since my sister has dog allergies," Eclaire explained gently. "What you're looking at is the front camera of my phone and not a photo."

Front camera?

His brain buffered for five seconds before the truth clicked in.


"That's me?!" he asked, horrified. "I'm a wolf– not a chubby puppy!"

If his father and brother saw him in that pathetic state, he would be completely disowned by his family!

"Calm down, Graham," Eclaire said kindly, then she looked at him while asking for permission to touch him using her pretty dark eyes. When he nodded, she gently combed her slender fingers through his coat. "Wolf pups look like puppies, remember? This is your first transformation. Take it easy. Everyone grows at their own pace."

Ah, Eclaire knew that it was his first transformation.

[As expected, Eclaire has the Access. How else will she know about my life story?]

But to be honest, he couldn't really concentrate on that matter. The way Eclaire massaged the back of his neck was relaxing. Moreover, he liked how her words and voice were both sweet.

[Her hand is also warm.]

Eclaire was beautiful. But most of all, she had kind eyes. He liked how she looked at him with kindness despite being wary of him.

[I also really like how she speaks pretty words.]

His thoughts were distracted when Eclaire patted his head with her left hand. When she did so, the mark on her inner wrist came close to his face. Before he knew it, he had already licked her "birthmark."

He only got back to his senses when he saw the shocked look on Eclaire's face.


He was about to apologize when all of a sudden, he heard a loud popping sound. It was followed by the thick smoke that covered the surroundings once again. And just like what happened earlier, every fiber of his body felt the change that occurred.

[I knew it! The mark on Eclaire's wrist is really the mark of a Luna. But I didn't know that a Luna can affect a wolf's transformation.]

Yes, he transformed again when he licked Eclaire's mark while he was in his puppy– er, wolf form.

But this time, he transformed back into his human form…

… and his sinful tongue was still sticking out while the tip was touching the mark on Eclaire's inner wrist.

She looked very upset because of that.


Graham immediately pulled his face and tongue away from Eclaire's hand. His cheeks were definitely flushed as he was ashamed of his behavior. He may be a neglected child, but he was still a prince who had been taking etiquette lessons since he was three years old. "I'm sorry, Eclaire," he said from the bottom of his heart. He got down on both knees and placed his clasped hands on his knees, then he bowed. "I really didn't mean to…"

He trailed off when he heard a loud 'zap' sound followed by a sting on his sides.

When he looked down, he realized that he had been hit by a stun gun. Of course, the owner of the hand that held the taser could only be one person. Was that the reason why a taser that shouldn't have hurt him was enough to make him faint?

Yes, Graham fainted after being stunned by a mere stun gun.

[I have really found my Luna…]


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