Eclaire was forced to let go of the unconscious Graham's ankle because her body was on the verge of collapsing.

[Why am I born this weak?]

Thankfully, she managed to drag Graham out of Yeri's room.

Of course, she put her unconscious baby sister on the bed first. After that, she dragged Graham out by pulling him by the ankle. Then, she locked Yeri's room to keep her safe.

[Why did we have to be alone in the house of all times?]

Her mother and stepfather (Yeri's biological father) were on a business trip together.

The helper of their house was on vacation because her daughter got into an accident a few days ago. On the other hand, their driver wasn't stay in. Ahjussi (an honorary title used for older men) would arrive tomorrow morning to drive her and Yeri to school.

Her eomma (mother) offered to hire a temporary new helper before she and her stepfather left. But she insisted that she could take care of Yeri alone.

[I shouldn't have been stubborn…]

It was too late to regret it now, though.

[What should I do?]

She had her smartphone and taser in the pouch of her sweater. But she couldn't use any of the two. It wasn't like she could call the police. What would she say? That a book character suddenly appeared after being summoned by her baby sister?

[The taser probably won't work on Graham since his body is sturdy.]

But she was hoping that the future Wolf King wouldn't go into berserk mode once he woke up in an unfamiliar environment.

[Graham is described in the novel as a gentle person.]

And he was very handsome.

[Silver hair, blue eyes that sparkle like jewels, and milky white skin.]

It was probably more appropriate to say that Graham was pretty. The Wolf King's features were soft.

[He's prettier than most idols. Just look at those long, natural lashes of his…]

The person that she was admiring suddenly opened his eyes.

If he was pretty while sleeping, then he was prettier when awake. It was thanks to his pale blue eyes.

[They really sparkle like blue diamonds…]

Wait, his eyes were now open?!

She squealed and took a few steps away from him. Then, she immediately put her hands in the pouch of her sweater to hold the taser.


She froze when she heard Graham's voice.

[His voice is dripping with honey!]

Oh my god.

This was the first time that she heard such a mellifluous voice. It suited his gentle appearance very well.

Graham slowly moved while standing up as if he was being careful not to startle her. Then, he stood up in front of her with his hands clasped in front. He looked very polite and harmless. In fact, it looked like he was nervous.

[He's very tall. And he's lean. He has the body type of most male idols.]

"Excuse me, my lady," Graham said awkwardly in his honeyed voice. "May I know where I am?"

"If I tell you that you're in a different world, would you believe me?"

She had to ask because the world inside the novel was parallel to the modern world that she lived in, so he might not notice the difference at first glance.

The things that her world lacked compared to his were the dungeons, the monsters, and the awakened ability users called 'Fangs.' But if those variables were taken out, then his world would just like be the plain, old Earth.

[I remember that Graham's world is called Zearth.]

"I believe you, my lady," Graham said respectfully after a short silence. "After all, the last thing I remember is opening the door that leads to another world. And it seems like I succeeded."

He opened the door to another world?

[Is that how Yeri managed to "summon" him? But if that's the case, does it mean that his world isn't a mere world created by the author's creative mind?]

She suddenly felt like fainting.

[I'm getting tired again.]

She pulled her left hand out of the pouch while her right hand remained inside while holding the taser tight. Then she wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand.

"My lady!"

She was startled when Graham called her in a loud voice. "W-What is it?"

"That mark on your wrist…" Graham said as he approached her in a hurry. "It's the mark of a Luna!"

She couldn't concentrate on what the future Wolf King was saying because she was busy widening the space between the two of them. For every step Graham took, she'd take a step back. He looked nice and all but she wasn't about to lower her guard for a flower boy!

Unfortunately for her, her back soon hit the cold wall behind her. Now she was trapped between the wall and Graham's warm and solid body.

[Ah, the book says that the Werewolves are known for their warmth.]

The book wasn't lying.

"W-Wait!" she said, then she was forced to pull her other hand out of the front pocket of her sweater. But she didn't let go of the taser. And so, she crossed her arms as a shield while holding the taser tight in her right hand. "You're too close. Please respect my personal space or I'll hurt you."

Graham's body was sturdy but not his eyeballs.

If he did anything funny, she would aim for his eyes. And if that tactic failed, then she would just use her knee to hit the thing between his legs.

Thankfully, Graham stepped backwards with his hands raised in surrender.

"I'm sorry, my lady," Graham said, then he stopped walking backwards when there was a decent space between them. "I didn't mean to startle you. But may I take a closer look at the mark on your wrist?

She was confused.

Even Nathaniel Ystraughffe in her dream looked surprised after seeing her birthmark.

[Wait… was it really a dream?]

She was curious and quite nervous while wondering if her encounter with the bad Crown Prince was a dream or not. But in the end, she decided that it wasn't important right now. She had to deal with Graham first.

"Okay, I will allow you to take a closer look at my birthmark," she said carefully. "But in return, I want you to explain what it means. Is that clear?"

"I understand, my lady."

"My name is Eclaire Song," she said because, to be honest, being called "my lady" was making her feel awkward. She didn't mind it when she was reading the novel because that kind of speech matched the setting of the other world. But in this world, it sounded awkward. "Please just call me 'Eclaire.' Don't add 'lady' because we don't do that here."

She was twenty years old while Graham was nineteen. But she didn't ask him to call her 'noona' (an honorary title used by younger males to address their older sisters or girls older than them) because Graham wasn't Korean anyway.

"I understand, Eclaire."

Her heart fluttered when Graham called her name using his honeyed voice.

[My name is weird since it's not Korean at all. Worst of all, I was named after my mother's favorite French pastry– éclair. But hearing my name come out of Graham's mouth sounds nice.]


She instantly pulled herself together.

"H-Here," she said, then she extended her arm to Graham to show him her inner wrist. "It's just a birthmark though…"

The birthmark on her inner wrist was a plain round reddish spot.

"It's a full moon," Graham said in a voice full of admiration. Then, he looked at her with pleading eyes. "May I touch it, Eclaire?"

She found it hard to say 'no' to his adorable face.

"O-Okay," she said, then she cleared her throat. "But if you touch me in a weird way, you'll regret it."

"I won't do anything weird to you, Eclaire," he promised gently, then his eyes landed on her birthmark. After hesitating for a few moments, he finally lifted his hand and traced his index finger around the birthmark on her wrist. "Eclaire, it seems like you're a Luna–"


Graham wasn't able to finish what he was trying to say because all of a sudden, he disappeared into the thick smoke.


Where did the smoke come from?

She panicked when she couldn't see anything in front of her.

[I must check on Yeri first!]

She was about to blindly run to her sister's room when she heard a weird sound.


She flinched when she heard a dog barking somewhere.

Thankfully, the smoke that covered her surroundings earlier began to disappear. At the same time, the barking began to get louder so it made it easier for her to locate where the sound was coming from.


She looked at her feet and voila!

What greeted her was the cutest silver-coated Siberian Husky she had ever seen in her life. And the puppy's sparkling ice blue eyes that were staring at her looked very familiar.


Graham disappeared and a cute husky puppy stood on the spot where he was supposed to be. It could only mean one thing, right?


Eclaire couldn't believe that the "wolf form" of Graham Wolfenstein, the future Wolf King, was actually similar to a puppy Siberian Husky!


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