FIFTY years had passed since the Cages had appeared in the world.

And ten years ago, the world noticed that the appearance of the Cages had decreased.

In the Ystraughffe Kingdom, a small yet powerful country that was a part of the Celestia Empire, the average number of Cages that would appear was three to five times a month. It was a lot less compared to the past when an average of three Cages a week would appear.

But despite the dramatic decrease in the appearance of the Cages, the world didn't let its guard down.

Academies that took care of Fangs still thrived.

One of the most prestigious schools for the awakened Fangs was the Polarise Academy located at Leona City– the heart of the Ystraughffe Kingdom.

The famous Polarise Academy was run by Nathaniel Ystraughffe– the Crown Prince and the Student Council President. It wasn't only him. The Student Council body consisted of the heirs from prominent families that also served as the kingdom's foundation.

And one of them was standing in front of Graham.

"I didn't do it on purpose," Rekker Perkins, the heir of the Bears, said in his usual stoic voice. The heir of the Bears was as intimidating as ever. He was taller and more muscular than most students his age. Moreover, his semi-permanent frown made him look unapproachable. It was so different from his kind father. But Rekker inherited his family's famous honey-blonde hair and ruby eyes. "I genuinely forgot to set up the Room Isolation Device, and I had to rush home after our raid because my father summoned me. I'm sorry that you had to take the blame for me. I will talk to Nathaniel to clear up the misunderstanding."

Graham kept his eyes on the floor.

As of the moment, he and Rekker were in the library owned by House Perkins. Rekker actually summoned him to his family's estate. He had a higher social rank than the Bear Heir because he was a prince. But everyone knew that he was only a prince by name.

Moreover, he was scared of Rekker because of his violent side. Thus, he had no choice but to go to the Perkins State when he was summoned.

"It's alright, Rekker," Graham said, his eyes still glued to the floor. Rekker had been his classmate since they were toddlers. And yet, he still felt inferior to him. "You don't have to talk to the President. I'm fine. I appreciate that you apologized, and that's enough for me."

"I knew you'd say that."

"Can I go home now?"

"There's a reason why I summoned you here at our family's private library when it was me who should have gone to you to apologize, Graham," Rekker said, then he saw him hand him a book. "Here."

Out of curiosity, he received the book from Rekker.

It looked like a novel, but it was the first time that he saw that title.

['Records of Eclaire Song?']

"That's not an ordinary book," Rekker said. "It's an Access, Graham."

He gasped when he heard that, then he raised his head to meet Rekker's eyes. "An Access? You mean the door that leads to another world?"

"Yes," the Bear Heir said bluntly. "You want to run away from our world, don't you?"

He flinched but he couldn't deny it.

"I've known you since we were kids and although we weren't close, you're kind of transparent," Rekker said while scratching his cheek. "Anyway, you know that our family has been the safeguard of the Access that leads to a world almost similar to us. Actually, my father asked me to cross over to that world to find the main character of the book. But I don't want to."

He had a feeling that he shouldn't ask why, so he kept his mouth shut.

[It'd be bad for me if I Rekker's gets pissed off.]

"So I figured I'll just give the Access to you as an apology for my mistake," Rekker said casually, as if he didn't just give away a national treasure. "Go to that world and get that book out of my sight forever."


Rekker wasn't trying to help him– he just wanted to get rid of the book.

But it wasn't a bad deal.

"Alright," Graham said, hugging the book close to his chest. "I will disappear with this book."


GRAHAM cried.

He cried after reading the book called 'Records of Eclaire Song.'

To be honest, most people would find the book boring since it was only about the mundane life of Eclaire Song– an ordinary student in a peaceful world.

But to him, Eclaire Song was like an angel. She had a stepsister that she loved and treated kindly even though the two didn't share a drop of blood. He wondered how Eclaire Song could love a person not related to her when Nathaniel, his half-brother, treated him badly all this time.

"Eclaire Song," Graham whispered to himself between sobs. He was alone in his room, and his room was in the attic of the Ystraughffe Mansion. But it had been a habit of his to live quietly as if he didn't exist. "You're such a wonderful person…"

Upon saying those words, the book in his hand suddenly glowed.

Then, a message that he hadn't seen on the cover page before appeared.

<"Would you like to meet Eclaire Song, the main character of this book?">

Graham, despite being shocked and confused, found himself nodding and responding to the question. "Yes, I'd love to meet Eclaire Song."


GRAHAM groaned after dreaming about what happened to him before he successfully crossed over to the other world.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by Eclaire Song's worried face.

[Ah, right. I fainted after she hit me with a stun gun.]

"Are you alright?" Eclaire asked worriedly, then she gently slapped her mouth. "Of course you're not okay. I'm sorry for hitting you with a taser."

He was about to say that he was alright when all of a sudden, his stomach growled loudly.

Graham's face turned red from embarrassment. "I'm hungry…"

"I can tell," Eclaire said while laughing softly. "Let me feed you first."


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