GY Entertainment.

PYJ Entertainment.

Hit Big Entertainment.

Dice Entertainment.

Playdis Entertainment.

Starfish Entertainment.

Allied Artists Entertainment.

Graham was confused because wherever he went, someone would approach him and give him a business card while scouting him to join their agencies. He was just minding his business while going on a shopping spree, but he already received eight business cards.

[People in this world seem to be friendly.]

<"Are the people in your world the opposite?">

He turned to the Golden Retriever dog sitting on the cushion beside him.

On the other hand, he was sitting on the floor while enjoying his iced coffee.

After shopping for his necessities, he went to a dog café that he saw. He invited Ahjussi, the driver, to join him. But the older man politely declined and said he would just rest in the car. Thus, he was alone now.

"The world I came from isn't as peaceful as your world, so the people around me are often on the edge," Graham whispered to the dog. He had his back on the other customers in the café, so he was hoping no one would notice he was talking to the Golden Retriever. "Approaching others isn't easy, since the hierarchy in my school is pretty toxic. Plus, I don't know why people here approach me."

Back in his world, he was often ignored even by adults.

<"Man, don't you get it?"> the Golden Retriever asked disapprovingly. <"People here approach you because of your visual.">

"Visual? What's that?"

<"Your face, dude,"> the dog said. <"You have the face of a would-be successful idol-slash-actor. Based on what you told me earlier, it seemed like the people who approached you were talent scouts. Of course, the first thing those scouts would go after would be a person's face. Since you're conventionally handsome, you stand out.">

"That's refreshing," he said with a bitter smile on his face. "People in my world usually yell at me to get out of their sight."

<"You should have gone for soju instead of coffee, my dude. It seems like you have a lot of baggage to unpack.">

"This country doesn't consider me an adult yet," he said. "In my world, I'm already an adult though."

<"That sucks, man.">

He just nodded, then he sipped on his iced coffee.

<"But why are you here anyway? The normies in this world no longer believe in mystical beasts like Wolves. Worse, if you get caught, you either become a test subject for the crazy scientists or become a plaything for the billionaires who shouldn't exist in this world. Whatever happens, don't let the billionaires get a whiff of your existence. And let's eat the rich!"

This dog was all over the place, huh?

"I won't get caught," he said to the Golden Retriever who seemed passionate about eliminating the billionaires in this world. "Plus, I can't transform into a wolf anyway."

<"Huh? You can't transform? Are you a baby Wolf?">

"I just told you a few minutes ago that I'm already an adult," he said while shaking his head. "You're a dog, not a goldfish. So why is your memory bad?"

<"Are you picking a fight with me? You should be grateful I'm acting like a therapist for you, you ungrateful pup.">

He just ignored the dog's complaint. "I think I was brought into this world to meet my Luna."

The Golden Retriever snickered. If this dog was a human, it would definitely have the face of a pervert. <"So, you're here for breeding purposes, huh?">

"Are you provoking me to commit animal abuse on you?"

<"Man, you have a nasty temper. But you can't blame me for thinking that way, you know? During the old times, the Wolves would search for humans who could give birth to their children. They call them 'Luna.' Are Lunas different in your world?">

"You're not wrong, but I don't want Eclaire noona to be a Luna for that purpose," he confessed shyly. "I feel like Eclaire noona's existence will change my life for the better."

<"How could you say something as cheesy as that with a straight face?">

"Do you ever shut up?"

<"No, I'll die if I don't talk back to punks like you.">

He just sighed, then he finished drinking his iced tea. [I'm hungry. I wonder if there's a good restaurant around here.]

<"Ah, right. I almost forgot to ask you, man.">

"What is it?"

<"What kind of Wolves smell like rotting flesh?">

He knitted his eyebrows. "There are Wolves like that in this world?"

<"Yeah, I'm sure those are Wolves. They arrived the other day,"> the Golden Retriever said. <"And they smell really nasty.">

"Those aren't Wolves," Graham said worriedly. "Only Lycans smell like rotten flesh."


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