ECLAIRE was a nervous wreck while waiting in front of Yeri's cram school.

Since ahjussi (their driver) already went home, she just rode a cab with Graham. She already sent a message to her sister, but she still couldn't help but worry.

"Noona, please don't worry too much," Graham, who was standing next to her with his hands tucked in the front pocket of his hoodie, consoled her. "Yeri already assured us she's safe."

She knew that.

But knowing that the culprit behind the murder that occurred near her sister's school might be a Lycan, her heart just wouldn't calm down. Because even if the cops were currently patrolling the area after the tragic incident happened, what could mere humans do against a Lycan?

[Thankfully, I have Graham with me.]

In the novel she read, Graham couldn't transform into a wolf. But he knew how to fight Lycans. He hadn't gotten the chance to fight a Lycan on his own, but as the future Wolf King, she believed in his ability.

That thought finally calmed her down.

"Thank you, Graham," Eclaire said. "To be honest, your presence helps me stay sane. This may sound selfish, but I'm truly relieved you're here. In case a Lycan suddenly appears, I know we'll be safe with you here."

Graham looked surprised by what she said, then he blushed. "Noona, I'm grateful for your trust in me. But to be honest with you, I haven't fought a Lycan on my own yet. I've always received help from my colleagues. I'm not that confident in my ability…" He trailed off, then panic crossed his eyes. "B-But if a Lycan appears, I'll do my best to protect Noona and Yeri. Even if it means sacrificing my own life–"

"I have faith in you, Graham," she said, cutting him off when she noticed he was panicking. But it wasn't just lip service. She truly believed in him. "I've read a huge portion of your life, and I've been rooting for you since chapter one. I know of all people how hard you've worked all this time." She raised her clenched hands in an attempt to cheer him on. "Graham-ah, hard work won't betray you. Hwaiting!"

'Hwaiting' or 'fighting' was a Korean phrase which was akin to 'I'm cheering for you.'

And she added the suffix '-ah' after Graham's name since she felt closer to him now. It was something like an endearment used by Koreans to address people close to them. Graham was calling her 'noona,' anyway.

"Noona, why do you have faith in me?" Graham asked as if he was confused. "If you've read my life story, you should know I'm not as capable as my brother."


She was suddenly reminded of Nathaniel Ystraughffe– the Crown Prince and Graham's older brother. The Crown Prince was a Vampire and considered as one of the best student Fangs in their world.

[But Nathaniel Ystraughffe is a bully who always picks on Graham for being weaker than him.]

"I know that Nathaniel Ystraughffe is strong and capable," she said with a frown. She didn't like praising a bully, but she couldn't also deny the truth. "But so are you, Graham-ah. I hope my faith in you somehow gains you more confidence."

He stared at her while blinking, then his whole face turned red.

[What's wrong with this kid?]


She immediately turned around when she heard Yeri's voice.

[Oh, thank goodness!]

She was so relieved to see her baby sister running towards her. Yeri was followed by Jaehyun. Ah, right. She just remembered Jaehyun went to the same school as her dongsaeng.

"Unnie, are you alright?" Yeri asked when she approached her. "You should be resting at home. You didn't have to fetch me."

"That's right, Noona," Jaehyun, who knew Eclaire had a weak body, said worriedly. "I told you I'll take Yeri home safely, didn't I?"

"Yeri-ya, Jaehyun-ah, I understand that both of you are worried about me," she said gently, then she held Yeri's cold hands. "But both of you are still kids. As an adult, it's my responsibility to keep you safe. I may have a weak body, but that won't stop me from protecting you."

Yeri and Jaehyun both looked touched by her words.



She laughed at how the two kids called her at the same time as if they were about to cry from being touched. "Let's go home. I'll just call a cab…" She trailed off when she realized Graham was acting strange. [Oh, I almost forgot about him.]

And that look on the future Wolf King's face made her anxious all over again.

Graham was looking around while sniffing the air. There was a mix of anger and fear on his face. Then, in the end, the devastated look on his face confirmed her fears.

[The Lycans are here.]

"Noona," Graham said when he made eye contact with her. "Go home with Yeri and that male first. I'll come home later."

Before she could even give a response, Graham already ran away and blended in the crowd despite being taller than an average Korean. He probably crouched low while running, since that was how the Werewolves moved in the crowd as described in the 'novel.'

"Why did that hyung call me a 'male?'" Jaehyun asked, confused. "That sounds weird."

"Graham oppa lived overseas for a long time, so his Korean isn't good," Yeri lied to cover up for Graham. Then her sister turned to her. "Unnie, let's go home. It's not good for you to be out here this late."

And that was exactly the reason she didn't attend cram school.

She knew that going home was the best she could do since if a fight between Graham and a Lycan broke out, she would just be a hindrance. But still…

"Yeri-ya, Jaehyun-ah, go home first," Eclaire said firmly. "I'll follow Graham."

[But how could I find him when he already disappeared?]

Just when Eclaire thought her plan was stupid, the birthmark on her inner wrist suddenly glowed in a silver light…


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