Arrogant Young Master Cliche Part 3

Tan Gengxin couldn't even open her mouth. She knew the people standing in front of her were the top ten geniuses of the Battle Dragon Sect. But, something that shocked her, even more, was they actually came here without even Qin calling for their help.

Qin didn't stand there to stare at her face. After silencing her, he turned around and walked away. Lan Ming, Zhao Tan, Chu Xieyi, Guo Yang, Luo Xue, Tian Su, Liu Bing, Guo Min, Guan Xing, and Yue Bin followed him.

Qin didn't know the path to the Rising Sun Sect, so he had to ask Qiao Fu for direction. For the entire path, there was not a single conversation. They couldn't help but feel a chilling aura coming out of Qin. They knew Qin is a swordsman.

And, swordsmen tend to be more ruthless than others but this ruthless was quite different. They couldn't tell much difference except Qin seemed completely mad. So, the journey was filled with silence until they reached the Rising Sun Sect in less than an hour.