Such an easy death?

Unfortunately, nobody paid attention to Guo Yang after that. Guo Min and Tian Su also got engaged in the battle while Luo Xue and Yue Bin took care of Wen Xin.

Seeing her reaction being so normal, Yue Bin couldn't help but ask "Don't you doubt his strength?"

Wen Xin shook her head and said "Do you know why he is so angry?"

Yue Bin rolled her eyes and said "Obviously, he is angry because of you."

"You are seeing things from the overall perspective. But, I am asking why is he so angry." Wen Xin shook her head and asked after clarifying her meaning.

Yue Bin tilts her head in confusion.

"It's because he broke the promise." Wen Xin stared at Qin who was rushing towards the building and spoke.

"Hey, be careful!" Suddenly, Luo Xue jolted in front of Wen Xin and formed a massive golden wall.


The spear collides against the wall and pierces through it. At the same time, two massive vines appeared beneath the man behind the wall and clutched his hands.