Old Acquaintances

It was Evening as Huey came Home after the Fight against Serena he was greeted by his Grandfather saying

"First Day of School and you have got yourself a Girlfriend quite the Unordinary"

"She is not my Girlfriend" Huey sighed

Tho Serena was quite the Beauty she wasn't exactly the Type of Girl Huey wanted.

With a Sigh Huey made his Way towards my Room. He couldn't help but notice that he was sighing quite often lately. Lieing down on his Bed he was completely exhausted and drained.

Not Long after that he fell asleep sleeping soundly for the rest of Day.

Waking up by Dawn Huey did his daily routine brushing his Teeth taking a Morning Shower and eating with Asriel and Grandpa breakfast.

Today he wore a blue jeans jacket with black jeans. As he left the House with Asriel they had some simple small talk before they parted ways as they were in different classes.

As he went to his Seat Serena was already there. He tried to start a conversation as he was bored

"Yo how's your Day going?" Huey asked her

"Can you like not talk to me? Am busy right now" She said

Nobody knew Serena's true personality except Huey on Stage and with her Fans she was your typical cute girl that loved to sing.

"Hey so you can ask me for a rematch but I can't even talk to you?" Huey asked

"Exactly" She said in a instant

"She didn't even hesitate but it looked like Serena was deep in thought so I didn't continue bothering her" Huey thought

As Huey waved Asriel goodbye to go to the Grass Field a Girl came saying

"Serena asked me to tell you that she can't come today"

The Girl had run off after saying that.

Damn I really wasted my Time coming here" Huey thought

Making his Way Home Huey noticed something strange the Road... was completely empty.

"What the Hell was happening" Huey thought

Suddenly a Arrow was shot at his Face. He barely dodged it tho it still cut his Face slightly causing it to bleed.

Who the Hell was attacking him Huey asked himself and at the same time Why was there someone attacking me.

A Woman appeared with a Black Ponytail with 2 Bangs on her Side and black blue Eyes she was also wearing a kimono.

"Why the Hell are you attacking me?" Huey asked

She didn't respond but had a sad expression on her Face that instantly turned into a serious one.

She brought out her humongous Bow how long was that.

She shot at least 10 Arrows at the same time they were going at incredible speed creating a massive vortex shot at me.

In response Huey brought out his Gloves wearing it in a instant but he wasn't fast enough as not only did the Arrows pierce through his Body but he was shot at least 50m backwards away from his former position.

He hit the Wall spitting out Blood his Head started bleeding as well.

"Someone Help me I think am gonna die I really think am gonna die" Huey thought

The Girl slowly walked towards him stopping before him putting her Hand on his Face softly saying

"Am Sorry I just needed to test you if you were really Huey but it looks like your suffering from Memory Lost"

That was the last thing Huey heard before losing consciousness.

Huey felt like sleeping on a soft Pillow but he needed to wake up. He woke up and saw the Girl that attacked him looking at him softly.

Huey noticed she was giving him a lap pillow out of embarrassment he immediately stood up but rage quickly filled his Body as she shouted

"Why the Hell"

Before he could continue his Sentence the Girl had hugged me.

"Am Sorry I know you probably don't remember me but your someone really dear to me"

He didn't know how to respond but he hugged her back as it felt like the natural thing to do. She started crying onto his Chest.

He knew that she was someone he knew from the past and that he probably had a close relationship with her.

"Why did you attack me tho?" Huey asked tho with no hostile intent this time

"I can't go into detail but it was because I needed to test if you were the real Huey or someone possessing him now I knew it was just Memory Lost" She said

"But where is Luna" Ayame thought

They have ended they're hug and she said with a smile

"Tho you might not remember me my Name is Ayame and I will be protecting you if you ever encounter a problem"

She said giving Huey her Phone Number.

Huey nodded at her his Relationship must have been quite deep with Ayame.

With that Ayame body flickered away and he made his Way Home tho he felt quite comfortable knowing someone this powerful would be having his Back if it comes to danger.

"How was it" Ren asked his Sister

"He is alive and well but lost his memories also Luna wasn't with him" Ayame said with a sad expression

"Let's continue with our Search" Ren said

As they Body flickered away.