
As Huey entered Class he saw Serena again but once again she was deep in thought and she looked like something was bordering her.

He went to his Seat and curiously asked

"Yo you seem like you got a problem everything ok?"

She suddenly turned her Head towards him staring after a few seconds of staring she glared at him.

"Mind your own Business"

"Something is definitely up" Huey thought

"Serena" Huey said changing his tone causing Serena to be a little surprise

"Is everything really ok?" Huey asked

This Time Serena didn't answer him rudely she showed him a smile saying

"Ye everything is fine" She said trying to reassure Huey

This was the First Time for Huey to see Serena smile tho her smile was quite cute her Eyes were telling him a different Story. It was the Eyes of someone asking for help but at the same time not wanting someone to help them.

"Should I follow her tho am not even that close with her I might look like a creep" Huey thought.

Tho Huey thought that he had a lingering feeling that something big was about to happen.

"Just to be sure I should follow her even if she might think of me as a creep" Huey thought

As School ended Serena started going home, Huey didn't follow her immediately as she would probably notice him.

After 3 minutes he started sprinting following Serena. He stopped sprinting tho still being close to Serena it took 20 minutes for Serena to reach her House.

"The Place was huge no Wonder she was a Pop Star after all" Huey thought admiring her House. On a unrelated topic he heard that her Next Album would be coming out soon.

She came out but with a Mask and she changed her Hair Style to a ponytail she also wore a hat. "This is getting strange Serena didn't really mind when Fans recognized her. So why did she hide herself?" Huey thought

Huey continued following her but she entered a Bus. Keeping up with the Bus would be no problem for Huey so he didn't enter it and continued following the Bus.

The whole Time he was asking myself where was she headed to. As Serena left the Bus it was already late at evening.

She went to a empty district with abandoned Houses but who Huey saw waiting there was a Boy with medium Black Hair covering his Eyes.

"You know you kept me waiting here it got really boring" He said chuckling

"Also why hide your identity I perfectly know who you are Serena Blaze" he continued

Huey could see Serena flinch no wonder this guy was pretty scary.

Serena removed her Cap and Mask as he already knew of her identity.

"Let's end this here and now" Serena said emitting Red Qi

Suddenly he started laughing uncontrollably laughing.

"What's so funny?" Serena asked

"It's nothing don't think I haven't killed you because you were strong your only alive because of your Phoenix Tears"

Suddenly Serena froze.

"How do you know about them?" Serena asked

He started laughing once again saying

"Bitch first of all you attack our Organization trying to play the Hero and now you think we wouldn't try to get information about you?"

"Enough Talking it's time for you to die" He said having his red eyes shine through the Night

He was in a flash before Serena but Serena smirked.

Fire Bursted out of Serena's Body the Area turned Hot in a instant even Huey began to sweat thinking about if he should pull off his Shirt.

"it's so hot"

Suddenly Serena was send flying into a abandoned Building as Huey saw the Boy's Shirt get burned off and on his stomach there wasn't even a scratch.

"You scared me just now" He said removing some dust

"Anyways you good? Don't want the fight to end this quickly" He said

Serena came out of the Building bleeding.

"Shit he is to strong and my fire doesn't hurt him why the hell am I so weak" Serena thought

Serena always had pride in her Strength to see two People who didn't even get injured after being hit with her Fire had hurt her pride way more than it should have.

"No I can do this my Fire need's to be hotter" Serena thought

She stood up gaining a applause from the Boy

"Oh your a really strong girl you gained a little of my respect"

Serena rushed at the Boy as her Hands started emitting Fire but this Fire was different it was hotter and purer than before.

The Boy didn't move as he knew he wouldn't even be getting a injury. But as the Fist collided with his Body there was a slight Burn Mark.

The Boy had frozen instantly

"I got hurt?" The Boy thought

Meanwhile Serena was filled with delight

"I finally hurt him I finally did it" But she couldn't continue with her thought's as her Face collided with the Ground.

"Stupid Bitch think you can hurt me don't worry I will beat up your Face so Hard it will be unrecognizable don't worry you won't die" He said as he continued pounding Serena's Face into the Ground.

"Move" Huey was telling himself the whole Time this was happening.

But there was a single reason why he hadn't moved.

It was simple... He was scared, When he had fight's with his Grandpa and Asriel it wasn't that brutal even when he fought Serena. He came to a realization that this was the true Face of this World a World full of Martial Arts.

"Why should I even help Serena she isn't even someone close to me and am not a Hero who would just help anyone in need" Huey thought

But... she had grown on me tho he didn't like her Attitude Serena is a nice Girl if you got to know her tho Huey didn't even got to know her.

Huey made up his Mind even if he was scared he was going to help her.

"HEY" He shouted

The Boy suddenly stopped punching Serena looking at him while having a speck of Serena's Blood on his Face.

Huey instantly dashed towards Serena while kicking the Boy away tho he didn't get hurt Huey just needed to create some distance between them.

It looked like Serena was still conscious.

"Huey is that you?" She asked spitting out some Blood

Her Face was unrecognizable and bloodied up it looked like her Nose was broken and her Left Eye was swollen.

"Hey don't worry rest now" Huey gently said

Serena started crying Huey understood why she was just 16 Year Old Girl like himself just a Teenager in a World as rotten as this.

"From the Looks of it you know Serena you know I-"

"SHUT UP" Huey yelled with rage

He slowly walked towards a Tree with Serena in his Arms putting her onto a Tree near to them.

"Who do you think you are since you arrived I didn't even sense a speck of Qi from you" He laughed

Huey took out his Gloves ignoring him the Boys laugh as Huey glared at him

"Am gonna fuck you up" Huey coldly stated

It wasn't a threat it would be a statement because Huey would turn it into reality.

The Boy smirked licking the Blood from his Face

"This will be fun"