
Zhao Yun gritted his teeth and tightened his fists. The boy looked like he's about to find those guys and beat them up.

"Calm down." Zhao Yang touched Zhao Yun's shoulder and patted the boy. "I already issued my order."

"Mm, good, I believe in you, uncle." Zhao Yun nodded. The boy then looked at the 'drunk' Lai Jiayi and couldn't help but sigh.

'Miss lives a hard life, huh? I won't know her problem if she didn't tell me.'

Lai Jiayi stared at Zhao Yun's worried face, and a smile bloomed on her face. She couldn't suppress the urge to thank these two.

"T-thank you, bwoooss, Yunnie…" Lai Jiayi wiped her non-existent tears while thanking the two. The girl really stared at the two people as if they were her benefactor.

Getting the thanks, the two people went silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun just stared at Lai Jiayi while the girl continued her acting.

The duo felt awkward that Lai Jiayi thanked them like that. Thus they didn't know what to do. They just sat there with a poker face.

A few minutes passed by without anyone saying anything or doing anything. All of them just stared at each other in silence.

'Uh...when will we go?'

Lai Jiayi glanced at her empty plate. She had finished her food, but she didn't touch the hangover soup at all.

'I wanna go home and sleep! If we keep silent like this, we will never leave.'

Lai Jiayi squeezed her eyes.

'Okay, I should ask them to leave now. It's already 9 p.m now!'

Lai Jiayi hurriedly blinked as she opened her mouth. "B-bwoooss, when will we gooo homee?" The girl had hazy eyes as she asked.

She really looked like she won't be sober anytime soon.

Zhao Yang raised an eyebrow at Lai Jiayi's question. The man glanced at the girl's untouched soup and frowned.

"We will go back after you drink the soup."


Lai Jiayi had the urge to choke Zhao Yang with the soup instead.

'Why do I need to drink that soup?! I'm not even drunk!! You drink the soup. Your whole family drinks it!!'

Lai Jiayi's right hand was trembling as she reached for the bowl. The soup was still piping hot, and it should be delicious. If only it were a normal soup.

This soup was a hangover soup!! It would be bitter!!

Lai Jiayi cried in her heart as she lifted the bowl. The smell of medicine immediately assaulted her nose even when she hadn't drunk any of the soup.

'Ugh. I might puke for real now. But I have to drink this. If not, I can never go home!!'

Lai Jiayi steeled her heart. She pinched her nose and downed the soup in one go. The bitterness of the soup instantly spread in her mouth, added with traditional medicine taste.

It was horrible enough for the girl.

"T-thereee, I drink it!" Lai Jiayi slammed the bowl to the table and plopped down. She looked exhausted. Mentally and physically.

Seeing Lai Jiayi was obedient even when she was drunk, Zhao Yang nodded in satisfaction.

"Good, you want candy?" The man scanned the table and found no candy there. He was about to order candy or sweets when Lai Jiayi rejected him.

"N-no, I wanna go homeee!" Lai Jiayi hit the table, acting like a spoiled child. Deep inside, she felt like dying. "I don't want candy. I wanna go home and sleeep!"

The girl wailed again. She was so immersed in her acting that she didn't stutter anymore.

Yaya, who was watching Lai Jiayi acting drunk, couldn't help but hide his face. His cheek blushed red.

'Jia, your acting is good, but that's too much, ah!! Your image, your image! Dammit now, these two will see you in a different light.'

Yaya was worried that Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun would dislike such an immature lady, but contrary to his thought, those two didn't react badly.

Zhao Yun just chuckled at Lai Jiayi's acting. His eyes, as he gawked at the girl, looked like a doting brother even though he was way younger than Lai Jiayi.

Zhao Yang also didn't show any discomfort. "Okay, we go home now." The guy sighed and stood up. His legs were long enough to touch the floor even when the sofa was floating.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang nudged Zhao Yun's arm so he would jump down. The boy didn't need to be told twice as he immediately jumped.

Once Zhao Yun jumped, only then Zhao Yang could go down. Of course, Lai Jiayi followed the two of them, but she had to pretend to be drunk. So...the girl wobbled as she walked toward the guys.

"Mmm, go home!" Lai Jiayi grinned from ear to ear. Her face was blushing red. Yet somehow, she didn't look disgraceful.

In fact, the girl looked adorable instead. The proof? Well, the male customers in the restaurant instantly noticed her, and subconsciously stared at her.

Lai Jiayi didn't realize this when she first entered the restaurant, as her mind was focused on the mission back then. Now she didn't have anything to think about...she finally realized the men were staring at her.

! Wait– why are you guys staring at me?!

Lai Jiayi instantly felt self-conscious. The girl lowered her head and clutched her skirt as she walked in front of the duo Zhao.

'Damn it. Don't look at me! I might puke!'

Lai Jiayi broke in a cold sweat. The alcohol effect also affected her mood a bit, and now she felt like the whole world was against her.


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