"The Four Bodyguard"

Lai Jiayi felt like she was naked even though she wore full clothing. The girl bit her lips and occasionally glanced at the customers as she walked out.

The male customers really did stare at her. Some would whisper to each other, and the rest simply stayed silent.

Still, Lai Jiayi felt her trauma might be triggered again.

'I shouldn't have worn this outfit. Those men are staring at me, and it must be because of my exposed legs…'

Lai Jiayi gripped her transparent skirt and wished she could transform it into something in a second. To worsen the situation, some customers near the exit door whispered as they looked at Lai Jiayi.

"Hey, that's Mr. Zhao, right?"

"Oh yeah, huh, who is that girl walking in front of him?"

"Dunno, but damn, those legs. So smooth. She's hot."

"Maybe someone Mr. Zhao hired for the night?"

The male customers then laughed in a vulgar way. Their eyes leeched Lai Jiayi's body, and the girl instantly got goosebumps.

The girl wobbled for real now.

'Ugh...I...have to go home quickly!'

The world was spinning for her, and she felt like fighting alone.

But little did she know, the army behind her was doing their job.

Seeing the male customers stare at Lai Jiayi and even whispered to each other like that, Zhao Yun instantly glared at them. The boy lifted a middle finger and openly cursed them.

'Why are they staring at miss witch? I know she's super adorable and pretty, but that is inappropriate! Go away!!'

The boy's imaginary wolf ears popped out. The tail shot up, and he bared his fangs to those customers. Zhao Yun growled in anger. His eyes turned red, and a fire was burning behind him.

! Scary!!

The customers instantly averted their eyes and coughed. Most of them were with their family or with their male friends, so they could openly stare at Lai Jiayi.

Only some people come with their girlfriend, and they won't dare to look at Lai Jiayi.

But even after Zhao Yun warded them off, Lai Jiayi's charm in her drunken state was really too much.

The girl's flushed face served as a pink blush powder. The way she wobbled looked like she's shaking her hips. Her hazy eyes somehow appeared to be seductive for some narcissistic guys.

Not to mention that she was walking with Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun behind her. The customers would automatically look their way.

The girl was bathed in the spotlight, and not all customers saw Zhao Yun's glare. So even when Zhao Yun already warned some of the customers, the others still stole a glance at Lai Jiayi.

Now...not only Zhao Yun showed his fangs. A certain CEO also did the same. A pair of imaginary cat ears appeared on his head, and his tail perked up.

The man glared at those people with a grave expression, looking like a wounded little cat. Anyone coming near would be clawed to death.

'Ha, lecherous people who only think with their lower half. No wonder Lai Jiayi got an issue with her clothes. This is why!'

The more he thought about it, the more he felt irritated. Thinking like this, Zhao Yang hissed at those people, instantly sent a chill down everyone's spine.

The customers froze on the spot. Zhao Yang's cold eyes staring at them in silence felt like a grim reaper putting a scythe on their neck. One small movement would take everyone's head.

The men instantly pretended like they never saw Lai Jiayi before. Almost half of the male customers shut their mouth and lowered their gaze.

'Is it only our thought or Mr. Zhao is glaring at us?' Was what those people thought as they resumed to eat their meal.

But...it would be so weird for someone like Zhao Yang to glare at others just because they stared at a girl in his group!

Still, the customers didn't want to take the risk of offending Mr. Zhao. The guy didn't speak at all and just glared, but that was enough warning for them.

Now no one stared at Lai Jiayi again as the girl's two bodyguards dealt with it easily. Even Yaya and Tianjin also glared at every single person staring their way.

'Hmph, hmph! How dare they look at Jia like that. Jia is too sacred to be watched with your dirty eyes!'

Yaya harrumphed. Tianjin also had the same thought.

'Is it rare to see a beautiful girl like Lai Jiayi? There are many pretty girls out there! Or is it because she wears non-futuristic clothes, so she stood out?'

Regardless of the reason why the male customers stole a glance at Lai Jiayi, the four people behind Lai Jiayi protected their princess without the girl knowing.

A few seconds later, the group went back to their car, and as usual, Lai Jiayi took the middle spot in the passenger seat. Only then she could sigh in relief.

'Good, now no one will stare at me.'

Lai Jiayi clutched her chest and took a deep breath. The duo Zhao beside her saw the girl's doing, but they didn't do anything.

They just silently thought in their mind.

'Should we pluck out those men's eyes? No wonder this girl is so scared of men. She attracts people's attention without her wanting it!'

Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun were busy planning things while the vehicle slowly departed, followed by Ji Zhuang, who was waiting outside all this time.

Once again, silence filled the car until a notification abruptly sounded in Lai Jiayi's mind.

TING! [Rare event is coming your way! 'Barometer Tournament.' Click for more information.]


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