"Confession Plan"

"If we don't have an idea...let's just read romance manga or novel, quack?" Yaya suddenly suggested. "Maybe we can copy the memorable scene there, quack!"

Lai Jiayi blinked slowly. The girl was silent for a few seconds before getting off the bed. "Good idea. Then let's search up the internet." Lai Jiayi headed to the study desk, followed by Yaya.

The two of them then started to search for romantic manga scenes until 10 p.m. They haven't found anything good since the romantic scenes mostly involved kissing until Lai Jiayi stumbled on one scene.

Her eyes lit up. "Yaya, this, this one!" The girl pointed at her laptop screen, calling Yaya, who was also searching the internet in his mind.

The duck stopped whatever he was doing and floated toward Lai Jiayi. "What is it, quack– "

"Look at this. This scene, I think it's memorable! And according to the manga, this is where the male lead starts to like the female lead." Lai Jiayi spoke energetically.

The girl kept pointing at the manga panel displayed on the screen.

Seeing this, Yaya glanced at the screen and couldn't help but frown.

"Jia...this...isn't this a confession scene, quack??" Yaya's beak was twitching. The duck stared at the sparkling scene on the laptop with wide eyes.

'Is Jia crazy?!'

"I know that's a confession scene. So?" The girl shrugged. "Isn't this romantic? It's also memorable for me because the female lead gives an impactful quote." Lai Jiayi clasped her hands and sighed in bliss.

"Look, the female lead is sparkling, and the male lead is also impressed! Don't you think a confession will be memorable for Zhao Yang too?" Lai Jiayi looked at Yaya with sparkling eyes.

It's rare for her to be so energetic about something. Thus, Yaya thought that Lai Jiayi was just speaking nonsense.

'Maybe Jia is tired, so she suddenly thinks like this?'

"But, quack...I'm sure Zhao Yang must have received tons of confession, quack! Why would it be memorable, quack?" Yaya sounded his worry.

'There's no way Jia's confession will be memorable for that guy.'

"Well, but my confession will be different." Lai Jiayi touched her head and felt the tip of her fingers were burning a bit. She didn't know why, but her head was spinning around for a while.

'I need to finalize the plan and sleep.'

"I know Zhao Yang will reject me, but who cares? It's not like I really love him, " Lai Jiayi added.

"What if he got irritated, and the barometer drops instead, quack?" Yaya suddenly asked in a stern voice. "I don't know how you will raise the barometer, but this plan is just too risky, quack!"

'All this time, Zhao Yang thinks of Jia as an acquaintance. If she confesses to him, there will be something different in their relationship! Zhao Yang might even avoid Jia in the future, ah.'

"I know it's risky." Lai Jiayi knitted her eyebrows, feeling her head throbbed. "But, I think I can raise the barometer using quotes I prepared."

"How, quack– "

"From what I see, Zhao Yang is easily influenced by precious quotes or wise sayings. That's why if I use the right quote, I can touch his heart."

Lai Jiayi looked away from Yaya and started to search for quotes about love and rejection. She knew she would be rejected. Thus, she needed the right counterattack for that.

'In case the otome game assistance suddenly pops out, I'll know how to handle it too.'

Seeing Lai Jiayi was dead set on using this plan, Yaya sighed.

'It's true that if Jia confesses to Zhao Yang, it will leave an impact or impression on his heart. But whether it becomes a good or bad impact...will depend on Jia!'

"I'll help you find several quotes, quack." Yaya gave up and started to help Lai Jiayi. It's already late at night, and he knew Lai Jiayi needed to sleep.

"Thanks." Lai Jiayi casually thanked the duck as she kneaded her eyelids. Her eyes felt so heavy, yet she insisted not to sleep until she found the right quote.

That night, Lai Jiayi slept at 1 p.m after finishing her college tasks aside from searching for quotes.

Thursday 6:30 a.m

"....mmm…" Lai Jiayi dozed off a few times as she scrubbed the floor. The girl kept rubbing her eyes and yawned, worrying Yaya.

"Jia, are you really okay, quack? Today is an important day, quack…"

'It's the start of the tournament!'

"I'm fine. I'm just sleepy." Lai Jiayi tightened her ponytail and fixed her baggy orange uniform. "By the way, have you prepared what I want?"

"Mirror and special light effect, quack?" Yaya took out a small mirror as small as his hand and nodded. "The mirror is ready, quack. I got it from our room. As for the light effect, quack…"

"You need to deduct my points for that? Sure, go ahead." Lai Jiayi rubbed her arm and sighed, letting out thick white steams.

'Why it gotta be winter today when I'm feeling the worst? The uniform isn't even warm, and this apartment is also cold!'

Lai Jiayi was cursing in her heart when Yaya deducted her points.

TING! [-300 points, purchasing special light effects. This effect looks like holy light in manga or anime. Accumulated points: 300.]

"Good." Lai Jiayi nodded and gritted her teeth, enduring the cold. The girl then looked at Zhao Yang's apartment.

'I hope he will come out before Xiu Mei does…'

The girl had just thought so when the door to the little girl's house suddenly opened.

Xiu Mei came out wearing two layers of clothes. A white shirt and mocha-coloured cape plus knee-length ruffle dress.


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