"From Sweet To Cold"

'What bad luck. Xiu Mei is already out!! Now she will wait until Zhao Yang comes out, and she will hinder my plan…'

Lai Jiayi instantly felt her body temperature rise. Her head kept throbbing, and her throat was sore.

'Did I catch a cold? Ugh...no way. I can't fall sick before this day ends.'

Lai Jiayi hurriedly hid behind the wall next to the elevator, so Xiu Mei and her black cat won't see her.

Once the girl hid, Yaya whispered, "Jia, Xiu Mei will definitely hinder our plan, quack." The duck peeked at the black cat hanging around the twin-tailed girl.

The cat was wearing a similarly mocha-colored warm cape plus a cute white beret. Even though the cat AI was a male, it seemed that Xiu Mei dressed him up prettily.

"I can only wait until Zhao Yang comes out and hope Xiu Mei is gone by then." Lai Jiayi rubbed her palm together. Her palms already turned pale white, just like the floor.

Even the tip of her nose slowly turned red, and it's painful to breathe.

'Damn, I hate winter!!'

Seeing Jia kept rubbing her hands, Yaya snuggled to the girl's uniform and silently activated his heater mode.

In a minute, Lai Jiayi didn't feel so cold anymore. Yaya's body warmed her.

"Thanks." Lai Jiayi whispered to Yaya as she kept an eye on Xiu Mei. The little girl was walking around in front of Zhao Yang's door. She would occasionally fix the huge mocha-colored ribbon headband on her head.

The little girl looked anxious.

But, not only Xiu Mei felt like that. Even Lai Jiayi was also the same. They had waited until 7:30 a.m, yet Zhao Yang didn't come out.

"When will he go out? And why the hell Xiu Mei doesn't go to school?! It's already past her time!"

"Maybe she's determined to wait for Zhao Yang, quack?? She must be taking a day off from school, quack!" Yaya snuggled to Lai Jiayi's chest as he cursed Xiu Mei.

'If Xiu Mei doesn't go yet, Jia's plan will be ruined for sure. Not to mention that there might be other players coming to Zhao Yang's apartment…'

Yaya puckered his beak.

'Jia will not have a chance to interact with Zhao Yang! Damn that rule, allowing players to interact with Zhao Yang outside their job. Now I can't be sure other players won't come here.'

As Yaya was worrying about whether the other players would shamelessly come to the apartment or not, Lai Jiayi was keeping an eye on Zhao Yang's door when suddenly, a BIP sound echoed through the corridor.


"He's here!" Lai Jiayi whispered to Yaya as she pointed at a man coming out of the door, followed by a swan AI in a thick fox fur shawl.

The man coming out was wearing a white high-collar cloak with a navy blue sweater inside. The cloak edge had blue gradient color, and it was so long that it touched the man's legs.

The cloak the man wore was highly similar to the one an anime character wore. What is it, Akatsuki group from Naruto?

Lai Jiayi couldn't avert her eyes away from the man, who was tucking his hand into his tight sky-blue trousers.

The girl gulped as the sound of the man's footsteps rang in the corridor. The decorative chains around his shoulders created a CLINK CLINK sound as he walked.

Lai Jiayi didn't know why, but her mind just went blank. All she could think about was Zhao Yang's appearance as he stopped in front of Xiu Mei. That little girl already started to chirp like a bird.

Seeing Xiu Mei already made her move, but Lai Jiayi went silent, Yaya nudged the girl.

"That's Zhao Yang, quack. You aren't going to do anything, quack?" Yaya asked in a worried tone.

'Jia is in a daze? That's so rare.'

Yaya's voice snapped Lai Jiayi out of her daze. The girl hurriedly composed herself and peeked at those two again.

"I can't get close before Xiu Mei is gone. Let's just see…"

Lai Jiayi had just said so when Xiu Mei's cheerful voice sounded. "Big bro! Morninggggg~ " The little girl twirled happily and was about to hug Zhao Yang when the guy backed off.

"No hugging, " Zhao Yang spoke coldly. His tone of voice was as cold as the day.

Xiu Mei flinched. The girl lowered her eyes and stomped her feet to the floor.

'Why is Zhao Yang so cold to me? He's usually not like this!'

"Sorry, big bro...Mei Mei just– " Xiu Mei tried to appeal to Zhao Yang as she blinked her purple eyes, but Zhao Yang slightly frowned.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school? What are you doing here?" The man raised an eyebrow at Xiu Mei's appearance, not caring about the girl's attempt to look cute.

Xiu Mei froze. All color left her face.

'Fck. How does he know??'

"Mei Mei...I…"

"No, but. Go to school now. Don't tell me you want to skip class." Zhao Yang kneaded his temple and glared at Xiu Mei, scaring the girl out of her wits.

Waah! So scary!! What's with this guy?? He was so gentle toward me before, but now he's so cold!!


Xiu Mei didn't want to leave, but Zhao Yang once again glared at the girl. "If you don't go now, you can't see me anymore."


Xiu Mei almost fainted. The girl looked at Zhao Yang with teary eyes before reluctantly dashed to the elevator. "Big bro, you meanie!!" The girl's voice echoed throughout the corridor.

Just what's going on with this guy?? Something is not right!

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