"First Step"

Seeing how Zhao Yang chased Xiu Mei away, Lai Jiayi shuddered. The girl almost didn't want to go out and greet the guy, if not for Yaya.

"Hurry, go over there, quack! We don't have any other chances, quack!" Yaya urged Lai Jiayi. The duck floated out of Lai Jiayi's clothes and nudged the girl's nape.

"Okay, okay, stop pushing me!" Lai Jiayi took a deep breath and walked toward Zhao Yang. The girl gripped her mop tightly and inhaled deeply.

"G-good morning, boss!" Lai Jiayi abruptly greeted Zhao Yang, startling the guy. Zhao Yang turned around and saw a girl in an orange uniform about three meters away from his place.

The girl's face was as white as snow, yet her nose was red. Her eyes were watery, and her body shivered a bit.

She looked like a poor little rabbit trapped in a snow blizzard.

"Morning." Zhao Yang walked toward Lai Jiayi and nodded. The man was about to open his mouth when Tianjin's voice sounded in his mind.

[Master, don't forget what I told you last night!]

Zhao Yang froze. The guy halted his steps and swallowed whatever he was going to say.

Zhao Yang's mind traveled to the past. Last night, Tianjin just scolded him on the way home.

"You are so naggy, master! Where is your cold, aloof image?? Can't you keep your charisma as a CEO??"

Remembering what Tianjin said last night, Zhao Yang gritted his teeth.

'Alright, I'll have to keep my cold image. I can't be a naggy auntie.'

Thus, Zhao Yang canceled what he was about to say. At first, seeing Lai Jiayi looking cold, he wanted to offer help, but then, he stopped.

The man just nodded at Lai Jiayi. "Morning, " Zhao Yang spoke coldly. There's no warmth in his eyes, and he looked as chilling as an iceberg.

Lai Jiayi flinched. The guy's significant change startled her.

'What the heck? Why does Zhao Yang look like his old self again? I thought we were already close enough, so he's not that cold anymore!'

Lai Jiayi's confidence to confess to the guy instantly melted into nothingness. The girl almost chickened out when Zhao Yang didn't say anything and just walked past her.


[Ah, ah!! Don't let him go, quack!! You have to confess now, quack!!] Yaya slapped Lai Jiayi's cheek out of reflex.

'If we don't make a move now...after Zhao Yang gets out of this building, other players might surround him!!'

Lai Jiayi's breath stilled. [I know. I'm trying to confess, ah!] The girl hurriedly chased after Zhao Yang while shouting, "B-boss, boss! W-wait a minute!"

Zhao Yang halted his steps. He subconsciously turned around and frowned. "What is it?" His cold voice rang, once again freezing Lai Jiayi's heart.

She felt a shiver down her spine as her courage shattered to pieces.

'Gosh, why do I have to confess when he is acting so cold?? Did something happen to him?? Ahhhh!!'

Lai Jiayi squeezed her palms and inhaled deeply. The girl stopped a meter away from Zhao Yang as she tried to look at him straight to his eyes.

"T-that...I...have something to say t-to you, boss…" Lai Jiayi fidgeted. Her heart started to pound faster, and something just blocked her throat.

'Damn it. I'm not even confessing for real, and I got so nervous!!'

Lai Jiayi could feel her palms turn cold, and sweat rolled down her forehead.

Hearing what Lai Jiayi just said, Zhao Yang raised an eyebrow. He glanced at Tianjin.

[What does she want to say? Is it about her problem– ]

[I think so, master. Should I go so she can comfortably speak to you?] Tianjin asked as she peeked at Lai Jiayi.

The swan was sensible enough. She knew that Lai Jiayi might not want anyone other than Zhao Yang to know about what she's going to say.

[Mn. Go. Guard the elevator and the stairs. Don't let anyone come up.] Zhao Yang waved his hand, and Tianjin immediately dashed to the elevator.

Seeing Tianjin suddenly fly away, Lai Jiayi's eyes lit up.

'I don't know what's going on, but without Tianjin, I'll be much more confident!'

[Yaya, you hide behind my back. Don't forget to use the mirror and the special lighting effect when the time is right, ] Lai Jiayi ordered Yaya.

The duck didn't say anything and just hid behind Lai Jiayi's back. Now no one could see him anymore.

"What do you want to talk about?" Zhao Yang put his right hand on his waist while the other hand was still inside his trousers pocket.

He looked ready to listen to Lai Jiayi as they stood in the corridor.

'Okay. Here we go…'

Lai Jiayi gulped and slowly opened her mouth. "I-i...b-boss...I-i want to say that…"

Lai Jiayi could feel her head hurt, and her body was burning, yet she ignored it. The girl slowly remembered the 'steps' of confession she had planned before.

"F-first of all, t-thank you...for all the things you have done for m-me…" Lai Jiayi bowed politely, startling Zhao Yang.

The man subconsciously knitted his eyebrows.

'Why is this girl acting so formal today– '

"Y-you make me confident t-to wear clothes that I like…" Lai Jiayi squeezed her palms. She fidgeted again, but her eyes still looked straight at Zhao Yang's eyes. One could see the girl was genuinely pouring out her feelings.

Zhao Yang nodded. "It's nothing– "

"A-and, y-you also help me with m-my problem…" Lai Jiayi interrupted the guy. There's no way she would let Zhao Yang end their conversation there.

"Y-you...make me realize t-that...there are good men out there…" Lai Jiayi smiled awkwardly.

'Okay, the first step is done. Now...the most crucial step!'

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