
Once Zhao Yang was gone, Lai Jiayi's smile disappeared. The girl slumped to the ground and hugged her knees.

"That..was..so..nerve-wracking!" Lai Jiayi raised her head and shouted. Of course, the girl didn't shout for real, afraid that Zhao Yang might hear her.

'Finally. It's done. I did my best this morning.'

Lai Jiayi slowly plopped her body to the floor, not caring if the floor was freezing cold.

"You did good, quack!" Yaya approached Lai Jiayi and landed on the girl's neck. He turned on the heater mode again just to warm her up.

'Jia, you manage to raise your barometer using the riskiest method. You even manage to prevent the barometer from dropping! That's awesome.'

Yaya stared at Lai Jiayi in awe.

'Let's just say today's event is an investment. Regardless of the barometer, Jia is already successful in paving the way for her development in the future.'

Yaya snuggled to Lai Jiayi's cheek.

'Now...the chance to win the game will be higher– '

Yaya abruptly stopped. The duck widened his eyes and suddenly floated away from Lai Jiayi. His eyes were red as he shouted,

"Jia, you are burning, quack!!"

The duck finally realized that Lai Jiayi's face was red. Her breath was hot, and she looked like she's about to collapse any minute.

'Did Jia just finish today's plan with this kind of condition?! She has been burning all this time??'

Yaya felt like crying.

"Jia, let's go home, quack!!" Yaya nudged Lai Jiayi. "Don't lay on the floor, quack! It's cold you know– "

"Hush." Lai Jiayi slowly got up and patted her orange uniform. "I'm fine. I'm burning because you suddenly heated me." The girl casually stretched her body and sighed.

'My head is throbbing, and my inside is so hot I might die. But I can't go home yet. There's still a lot of time to raise the barometer!'

Lai Jiayi was determined to hold on, but Yaya couldn't stay still. The duck scanned Lai Jiayi's body and found out the girl's body temperature.

! So high! 39° celsius?? She has a fever, ah!

"No, Jia, you are sick, quack!!" Yaya floated away from Lai Jiayi and pecked the girl's forehead lightly. "Just go home, quack– "

"...okay, I'll go home first. My class starts at 1 p.m anyway. How is it?" Lai Jiayi gripped her broom and continued her work. Since the class started in the afternoon, she thought she could rest first.

Yaya knew Lai Jiayi was stubborn. Thus the duck agreed with this idea. "Alright, quack, you eat medicine and sleep until 1 p.m. Got it, quack?"

"Got it." Lai Jiayi nodded.

'I'm sure after that, my fever will be gone.'

Lai Jiayi then continued her work until 8 a.m. After that, she went home in a hurry. She didn't forget to eat medicine and sleep until noon.

Of course, the girl ate porridge for lunch, but she didn't tell the Shan Family about her body condition.

After the girl ate, she went back to her bedroom and let Yaya check her temperature.

"....mmmm 38° Celsius, quack." Yaya shook his head. "How about you cancel college and slept until 3 p.m– "

"....then when will I meet Zhao Yang?" Lai Jiayi kneaded her temple and looked down at the mustard t-shirt she was wearing. One could see a Yakult pattern on it.

"At 3 p.m when you go to the daycare, quack! Don't worry, quack. I think other players won't raise their barometer by more than 3%, quack, " Yaya reassured Lai Jiayi.

The duck then went to get more medicine for the girl.

'Jia has to be healthy again soon!'

"...alright. My head hurts. I'll just skip class." Lai Jiayi kneaded her head and slowly slipped in under her blanket. The girl's face was red, and her eyes were hazy. She definitely won't be able to go anywhere.

Yaya nodded. He silently sighed in relief.

'I thought Jia would be stubborn. It's a good thing she knows how to take care of herself.'

Yaya nursed Lai Jiayi again. As he helped the girl, he didn't think of anything other than Lai Jiayi.

He cast aside the game and the event so that he could focus on helping the girl.

2:00 p.m

"Yaya, so cold…" Lai Jiayi gripped her arm and hugged her bolster. Her body kept shivering, and her fever didn't subside at all. The girl had been mumbling like this for a few times already.

"Don't worry, I'm here, quack." Yaya snuggled to Lai Jiayi's neck and turned on the heater again.

'This room is already warm thanks to the Shan Family installing a good heater. But Jia still feels cold. Must be because of her fever.'

Yaya couldn't help but frown. Lai Jiayi had a fever, but instead of feeling hot, she felt cold instead.

'Should I bring her to the doctor? But it's not payday yet, so Jia doesn't have money…'

Yaya gulped.

'She only has enough money to eat every single day. Of course, she got that from the Shan Family as well.'

Yaya felt like his world slowly became dark. The duck looked up at Lai Jiayi and saw her red skin. Her breath was hot, and her body shivered non-stop.

'The medicine should have worked, ah…'

The duck sighed.

'Should I deduct her points and get another medicine from the system? But I need Jia's consent for that….'

While Yaya was contemplating on what to do, a certain girl at the college was fuming in anger.

"That b*tch isn't here??" Xuan Lincheng asked the blue bunny. Both of them were talking in the women's restroom.

I need that b*tch to come here!

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