"Three Hours"

"Y-yes milady, she didn't come…" Bunnie nodded while shivering non-stop, as usual. The little AI peeked at the pink-haired girl in front of her and flinched.

'Master will scold me again just because Lai Jiayi didn't come to the campus today. Even though it's not my fault…'

As expected, Xuan Lincheng glared at Bunnie and shouted, "Damn useless!"

The girl in sleeveless pale pink brocade one-piece clenched her jaw. She looked down at the floor while grabbing her white fur cape.

'I've restraint myself not to meet that b*tch for so long just to prepare this. Yesterday, that b*tch phobia got exposed. So I think I should make use of it but…'

The girl bit her lips.

'She didn't come! What the heck! Is it because today is the tournament day? That's why she doesn't go and just chase after Zhao Yang?'

Xuan Lincheng leaned to the glass door behind her and stared at the wide mirror across her place.

'I have prepared some people to annoy her. What to do now?'

Xuan Lincheng bit her nails.

'The last time I checked, that b*tch got 23%. That's one of the highest barometers the players got.'

Xuan Lincheng inhaled deeply and sighed.

'I was planning to trigger that b*tch phobia and made her attack me. If that happens, a nasty rumor about her will spread, and I can use this to gain Zhao Yang's sympathy.'

Xuan Lincheng shut her eyes and crossed her arm. The girl was silent for a few seconds before she abruptly opened her eyes.

"Bunnie. Get me Lai Jiayi's schedule."

'No matter what, I still have to do my plan and use this chance to get on Zhao Yang's good side. I'll make Lai Jiayi as my stepping stone!'

"A-alright milady…" Bunnie deducted the rest of Xuan Lincheng's points and then handed Lai Jiayi's schedule.

A hologram panel just popped out in front of Xuan Lincheng, helping the girl to read the schedule thoroughly.

Xuan Lincheng then silently read the data Bunnie sent to her mind.

"Today is Thursday. So she skipped class already. But...at 3 p.m, she will go to the daycare." Xuan Lincheng tapped her arm. Her baby blue eyes stared at the transparent panel in front of her.

'If I want to meet this girl, I should go to the daycare, or just wait in front of her house. But I need to be sure she won't go to the daycare with Zhao Yang.'

Xuan Lincheng closed her eyes again and was deep in thought.

'...let's just go to her house first. If she's not there, I'll wait for her at the daycare entrance. Hopefully, Zhao Yang isn't with her.'

Xuan Lincheng opened her eyes again and looked at Bunnie. "Let's go. I'll ask the others about that b*tch house's address." Xuan Lincheng turned around and abruptly left.

'No matter what, I have to make use of that girl to regain Zhao Yang's trust. I have been waiting for this moment. I can't back off!'

Xuan Lincheng gripped her fists until her long nails grazed her skin.

'Lai Jiayi, just wait. You will be my stepping stone. Ha! If you ask me why...just blame your fast progress.'

As Xuan Lincheng went to meet her underlings to inquire about Lai Jiayi's current house address, Bunnie obediently followed behind the girl.

The blue rabbit peeked at her master and silently sighed.

'My master is so obsessed with destroying Lai Jiayi. Is this because they attend the same college, or...because that mysterious person in the past told my master to target Lai Jiayi?'

Bunnie touched her long, furry ears and hid her eyes with it.

'My master should just stay on the right path and gain Zhao Yang's affection bit by bit. She doesn't need to scheme others…'

Bunnie wanted to say this, but she knew she would only be scolded.

'Sometimes people can't see other people's success and choose to bug others rather than focusing on themselves…'

Bunnie inhaled and sighed.

'If master loses, I'll just be non-activated and will be activated again after the company found a new player for the future batch.'

Bunnie lowered her eyes and floated behind Xuan Lincheng, following the girl as she went out of the university building together with three guys.

Of course, the guys weren't the ones harassing Lai Jiayi back then. Somehow, the dean mysteriously made those guys drop out of college. No one knew how and why, but strangely, there's no article about it.

They just vanished without a trace.

2:50 p.m

"Jia, you are still sick, ah, quack…" Yaya looked at the girl in front of him. She was changing her clothes into a white fur blouse and pink Chinese-style skirt.

She loosened her hair and picked a fur scarf before wrapping it around her neck.

"I'm already quite well." Lai Jiayi coughed a bit and tidied her short skirt above her knees.

"But you are still sick, quack…"

'Her temperature is 38.5 ° Celsius. How can she say she's fine?'

"I can't skip the daycare job." Lai Jiayi replied in a hoarse voice. The girl went to pick her thigh-length fur boots and hurriedly wore it.

"This is my only chance." Lai Jiayi coughed for the second time as she stood up.

The girl was well-dressed, and no one would think that she's sick, except for her pale lips and red face. But Lai Jiayi used lip balm and powders on her face, so no one would really notice.

Yaya frowned. The duck pleaded, "Can't you rest for an hour or so, quack– "

"No. I can't rest now. The tournament will be over in three hours!"

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