"Play Victim"

Lai Jiayi was deep in thought when Xuan Lincheng's voice sounded.

"Ah, student Lai! What a coincidence!" The girl waved her hand and dashed toward Lai Jiayi. Now she's only a meter away from the girl.

"I was so worried. You didn't go to the uni today." Xuan Lincheng looked at Lai Jiayi with worried eyes. Her voice sounded so gentle and caring. The girl even tried to hug Lai Jiayi, but Lai Jiayi instantly dodged.

"...why are you here?" Lai Jiayi spoke in a cold tone as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. There's no warmth in her eyes while the girl glanced down at Xuan Lincheng.

"I'm not that close to you." The girl peeked at the other three guys behind Xuan Lincheng, and one of them appeared to be using their bangle.

'What? What is that guy in black cloak doing? He looks like...he is recording a video?'

Lai Jiayi squinted. She had a bad feeling, but before she could do anything, Xuan Lincheng squeezed tears.

"How could you say that, classmate Lai? I came here because I'm worried about you…" Xuan Lincheng looked down. Tears started to roll down her cheek, and the girl sobbed quietly.

"I-i just want to inform you about the uni events." Xuan Lincheng wiped her tears while the guys behind them nodded to each other.

The one using their bangle had skillfully got into a position where he could capture both Lai Jiayi and Xuan Lincheng's face.

[This...what the hell…] Lai Jiayi looked at Yaya in bewilderment. Her head just throbbed again, and the girl felt like the world was spinning around.

'Xuan Lincheng suddenly uses the 'kind' card? Someone is also blatantly recording us? Is she hoping for me to do something terrible to her?'

[Jia, I feel like there's something fishy here, quack…] Yaya was talking when Xuan Lincheng suddenly looked back at the three guys behind her.

"Right, guys? We are here to visit student Lai, right?" Xuan Lincheng smiled gently, looking like a pure fairy, but her gentle voice just sent chills down Lai Jiayi's spine.

'Now she involves guys! She must have known that I'm afraid of men. So what is she doing??'

Lai Jiayi narrowed her eyes. Her body turned stiff as she watched the three guys approach her.

"Yes, yes, student Lai, don't be so guarded."

"We are here to visit you! We are worried about you!"

"Geez, we miss you when you didn't go to uni, you know?"

The three of them had a warm smile on their face, acting as if they were Lai Jiayi's close friends. Since these guys also had a quite nice look, no one would suspect anything.

But they...had the exact same vibe as Jun Bajie!

Lai Jiayi flinched. She stepped back and glanced at the internet cafe behind her. At this point, she didn't think of going to the daycare anymore.

'I don't get what they want to do at all. I should just get inside!'

Lai Jiayi was about to run to the internet café when one of the guys wearing a blue cloak suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"Ey, student Lai! Where are you going?"


Lai Jiayi shuddered. She got goosebumps around her body.

"Release me– " Lai Jiayi was about to fling the guy's hand away when her eyes caught sight of the other guy's hologram panel.

That guy in a black cloak was using his bangle, and it's clear that he was recording all of this.

Lai Jiayi's body froze. Something just hit her mind, and she was enlightened.

'Recording. Four people are acting like my friends and grabbing my hands even when they know that I'm afraid of men.'

Lai Jiayi shivered. Her face turned paler than before.

'This...are they waiting for me to harm them or something? Just like when I kick those guys?'

A cold wind just blew Lai Jiayi's hair, caressing her cheek.

'If they record it and cut some parts, it might look like I'm unreasonably beating them up! If they reported this…'

Lai Jiayi felt her hands turn cold.

'I'll be done for.'

Realizing what just happened, Lai Jiayi didn't fling away the guy's hand and just silently turned around. She had a sweet smile on her face while gently pulling her hand.

"A-ah, my friend, I-i'm sorry, I-i don't feel good right now." Lai Jiayi bit her lips, trying to suppress her nausea.

Yaya, who saw this, stared at Lai Jiayi in confusion.

[What are you doing, quack?! Chase them away! They're trying to harass you– ]

[Yaya. Don't do anything. Now go inside quietly and call Shan Liang for me.]

Lai Jiayi took a deep breath and stepped back again, creating a distance from the guys.

'All of you want to play the victim and trap me in your evil plan? Ha. Bring it on.'

Yaya paused for a second. He looked at Lai Jiayi with a blank look, but then, the girl urged him.

[Hurry, get Shan Liang to come!]

Lai Jiayi could feel her fever flare up again, and everything was blurry. Plus, the effect of her phobia, she knew she would puke or faint at any time.

'Then, I should just make use of this.'

Yaya wanted to ask things to Lai Jiayi, but seeing the girl couldn't even stand still, he hurriedly flew away.

[Count on me, quack!] Yaya left to get Shan Liang, and Xuan Lincheng noticed this. Her face turned horrid, and the girl panicked.

'Where is that duck going? No! I haven't got this b*tch to attack me!'

Xuan Lincheng stomped the snowy ground and sent a signal to the three guys.

Plan B!

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