
Xuan Lincheng winked at the guy in a blue and red cloak.

The guys instantly nodded. Now they put a warm smile on their face as they suddenly put their arm around Lai Jiayi's shoulder.

"Ey, student Lai, why didn't you come to the uni today?" They asked in a friendly tone. The way they wrapped their arm around the girl also looked completely natural.

The people passing by would also think that the three of them were close friends. But for someone who couldn't stand men like Lai Jiayi, it was the worst.

The girl suddenly covered her mouth since she was about to puke!

The whole world just spun around again, and her headache worsened. Her body was burning from the inside, yet Lai Jiayi tugged the corner of her lips.

Since a mask covered her face, no one saw it.

'Shan Liang will be here in 3...2...1…'

Lai Jiayi counted in her heart as she endured, and right when she counted 1, Shan Liang's voice sounded from behind.

"Yiyi!" The red-haired girl came wearing futuristic brown clothes, the uniform of the Internet cafe. She ran toward Lai Jiayi with a pale face. "What's wrong– "

Lai Jiayi's eyes flickered.

'Here we go.'

The girl closed her eyes and suddenly let go of her strength. Her body fell to the ground, startling the two guys next to her.


"Wah! What the– " The two of them subconsciously retracted their hands and retreated. Right when they backed off, Shan Liang screamed.

"Yiyi!! Hold on!!"

The girl caught Lai Jiayi's body just right before Lai Jiayi fell to the ground.


The three guys and Xuan Lincheng could only stare at Lai Jiayi with blank eyes. None of them moved at all.

'What...is this. Did that b*tch just...fainted??'

All colors left Xuan Lincheng's face. The girl stared at Lai Jiayi's unconscious state.

'I haven't even got this b*tch to attack me, and now she fainted?! Won't this make us look like the bad guy then??'

Xuan Lincheng's worry became real. Shan Liang lifted Lai Jiayi's body and supported her before glaring at the group.

"Who are you?! What did you do to Yiyi?!" the girl roared in anger, and the customers inside the internet cafe subconsciously paid attention to the commotion.

"What's going on? Why is our cute manager shouting?"

"Hey, look, there's a girl in her arm!"

"Eh, that girl also often helps us, right?"

"Wait, wait, isn't she unconscious? What the hell is happening?"

The nosy customers all stared at Xuan Lincheng and the others with a suspicious gaze.

Xuan Lincheng flinched. The guys who were with her immediately whispered to her.

"Xuan Xuan, let's run away!"

"Yes, yes, this looks like a mess!"

"We better go!"

"Wait, but– " Xuan Lincheng looked back at Lai Jiayi and saw Shan Liang's red eyes were staring daggers at her. That look would kill in a moment.

'Damn it!!'

"Okay, let's go!" Xuan Lincheng decided to retreat and ran away from the place. The four people vanished, followed by Bunnie. That blue rabbit would occasionally glance back at Lai Jiayi and sighed.

'I know our plan will not work.'

Once the four people were gone, Shan Liang looked at Lai Jiayi's red face. The girl subconsciously touched Lai Jiayi's forehead, and her hand stings.

So hot!

"Ducky, she has a fever?!" Shan Liang half-shouted. The girl was about to carry Lai Jiayi upstairs when the girl slowly stood up.

…?? Didn't she faint?

"Yiyi! You– "

"No worries. I just pretend to faint." Lai Jiayi tidied up her clothes and tried to walk, but she immediately staggered. The girl almost fell if not for Shan Liang catching her hands.

"Be careful, ah!" Shan Liang pulled Lai Jiayi to the internet cafe and glared at the girl. "Where are you going? You want to go with such a high fever??"

'Yiyi is dressing up nicely, so she must have planned to go out! Is she insane?? Also, who are those people bothering her?'

Shan Liang gawked at Lai Jiayi while grabbing the girl's shoulders tightly, not letting go at all.

Lai Jiayi paused for a bit and sighed. Her head throbbed again.

'I thought I could go, but...I'm afraid Xuan Lincheng is still waiting for me outside. I should just rest.'

Lai Jiayi smiled awkwardly and shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll go back to my room– "

"Good! Now go back, and I'll get your medicine!" Shan Liang interrupted. She pushed Lai Jiayi to the second floor, not waiting for the girl to respond.

Lai Jiayi could only laugh and closed her eyes. She glanced back at Yaya and spoke through telepathy.

[Yaya, can you tell the daycare manager that I can't work today? Thanks…] The girl didn't say anything else and just weakly climbed the stairs to her room.

Yaya nodded and immediately called the daycare manager. He didn't want Lai Jiayi to be fired from her side job just because she took a day off without notice.

While Yaya called the manager, Shan Liang helped Lai Jiayi to change into a white sweater with a peach pink hoodie. The long sleeves of the cotton sweater were also peach pink.

One could see a pink baby dragon image on the sweater, looking cute. There's even a pink heart-shaped pattern on the left chest.

"Now, go to sleep. Don't think of going anywhere." Shan Liang shoved Lai Jiayi to the bed and tucked the blanket.

Lai Jiayi nodded weakly and stared at the red-haired girl with blank eyes.

'Ah...since I can't meet Zhao Yang today...maybe I'll lose the tournament.'

If I lose...what kind of punishment is waiting for me?

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