"Tournament Result"

Lai Jiayi wanted to think about the possible punishment since she got a hunch that she would lose. But then, her head started to throb again. Thus, the girl gave up.

'Ah...I'll just sleep. To hell with the punishment. It won't be instant elimination anyway, right?'

Thinking like this, Lai Jiayi dozed off real quick while Shan Liang went to speak with Yaya.

"Ducky, tell me what's going on. Since when Yiyi is sick and who are those four bullies?" Shan Liang sat on the stairs going to the second floor. She looked up at the floating duck with a stern expression on her face.

"That, quack– So, it's like this, quack…" Yaya lowered his head and started to tell Shan Liang the truth. Of course, he excluded all things regarding the game and just said that Lai Jiayi was too exhausted.

She got so many side jobs to support herself and repaid the Shan Family. As for those four, they were merely students that always tried to bully Lai Jiayi.

Right after Shan Liang listened to all of this, the girl in futuristic brown clothes frowned. "So Yiyi has been bullied in her uni? Then why doesn't she just choose another uni, ah??"

'That girl is smart. Why should she enter such a university filled with spoiled brats? I know that university is well-known to be a school for the rich. But their personalities are bad!'

"I don't know why Jia chooses to study there, quack. But...I can only follow her wish, quack." Yaya sighed.

'Actually, it must be because that school has the best game designer major in the whole city. Jia can't be away from her father. Thus, she doesn't go out of town or goes abroad.'

Yaya glanced at the faraway bed where a certain girl was sleeping on it. He once again sighed.

'If Jia has money, she can apply to a better university. That university she attends now is only looking for those with money, no matter how idiot the students are. That's why they need one or two smart but poor students.'

Shan Liang saw the look in Yaya's eyes, and the girl sighed as well. She abruptly stood up and went downstairs.

"I'll try to make food for Jia. Ducky, you stay by her side, okay?" Shan Liang asked.

'Yiyi...you must be exhausted since you also do chores and cook for us. That girl even keeps the store and still does her college assignments!'

Shan Liang felt a pang to her heart. She looked back at Yaya and smiled wryly. "I count on you, ducky."

"Leave it to me." Yaya nodded. He immediately went back to Lai Jiayi's place and stayed by her side.

4 p.m Sunshine Daycare.

"Mmm...why is miss witch not here yet…" A certain boy in a white hoodie coat walked around the futuristic classroom.

The asymmetrical edge of his long coat fluttered in the air, as the boy tucked his hand to his black plaid trousers.

"Is she in danger…" Zhao Yun mumbled. The boy touched the wrist-length sleeves of the coat and frowned. His yellow shoes just glowed as he walked around again.

'It's 4 p.m now, but I don't get any news about miss witch. She should have been here, but...where is she?'

Zhao Yun rolled his coat sleeve and touched his bangle. The boy tried to find Lai Jiayi's location, but then, he frowned.

'She's not here at all! Her location shows that she's at her house.'

The boy with orange buttons on his coat rubbed his chin.

'If miss witch doesn't come here then...is she sick? Or something happens to her...or, is it her day off?'

There were so many possibilities that Zhao Yun gave up trying to guess the truth. The boy just messaged his uncle as a way out.

[Uncle, let's go to miss witch's house. She didn't come to the daycare. I'm worried.]

Zhao Yun stared at the text with his black eyes. He then ruffled his black hair and nodded in satisfaction.

'This will do.'

Just like that, the boy sent a message to his uncle, and as usual, Zhao Yang complied with his nephew's request.

Time passed by, and it's already 6 p.m

Lai Jiayi was sleeping soundlessly when a loud notification sounded in her mind.

TING! [Barometer tournament just ended! Check the ranking list to see the winner and the losers!]

The notification was so loud that Lai Jiayi couldn't help but open her eyes. The girl blinked softly at the sight of a transparent hologram panel in front of her.

'The tournament ends already?'

Lai Jiayi yawned. The girl didn't bother to move away from the bed, and just called Yaya.

"Yaya, can you check the ranking lists…" Lai Jiayi mumbled.

The tournament ranking list was also sent along with the notification. It should be easy to click on it, but Lai Jiayi didn't even have the energy to think of clicking the panel.

"Okay, quack." Yaya clicked the panel by imagining it in his mind, and a long list of players popped out in front of Lai Jiayi.

Barometer tournament ranking

Yu Ziyuan (4%)

Yun Che (4%)

Xiu Mei (4%)

Ming Yue (3%)

Tan Xinya (3%)

Lai Jiayi (3%)

Qin Bai (2%)

Chu Feng (1%)

Xuan Lincheng (0%)

Ji Zhuang (0%)

Yaya raised an eyebrow at the ranking.

'What is this...what's with this ranking?! There must be an error– '

He was about to shout when another announcement popped out.

TING! [Notes: The rank of those with the same barometer increase is arranged based on the players' main job rank.]

...what? Arranged based on...main job rank? Then Jia...

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