"Bra And Panties"

'Doing one of these embarrassing things in front of Zhao Yang??'

Lai Jiayi felt her head throbbed again, and her fever just rose to another level.

"How the fck…" the girl wanted to curse, but a notification came again.

[Please do the spin now.]

The tone of the notification was so annoying and urging that Lai Jiayi wanted to punch the hologram panel in front of her. Of course, she would touch nothing.

Lai Jiayi inhaled deeply as she stared at the transparent ceiling above her. The girl closed her eyes and slowly clicked the spin button in her mind.

'Whatever. It's not like I'll meet Zhao Yang today, right? So the punishment...I might have to do it tomorrow instead.'

Once Lai Jiayi clicked the spin button, the rainbow wheel started to spin around. It kept turning for a few seconds until it stopped, and a bright rainbow light shone from it.

TING! [Your punishment is 'Make your room as messy as possible in front of Zhao Yang!]

[Notes: AS MESSY AS POSSIBLE! Include throwing around your underwear and stuff all over the floor. If the system thinks that it's not messy enough, it will not be counted as doing the punishment.]

[Warning. Not doing the punishment will result in instant elimination. Players, please take note of this.]

Lai Jiayi's lips twitched. The girl stared at the punishment on the hologram board and sighed.

'I have to make my room as messy as possible in front of Zhao Yang? That's weird. I don't think Zhao Yang will ever come here. God knows when he will visit me– '

[Jia! Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun are outside our house, quack!!] Yaya suddenly spoke through telepathy even when the duck itself wasn't in the bedroom.


Lai Jiayi had a blank expression. The girl blinked slowly for a few seconds, not understanding what's going on.

[What do you mean they're here? That's impossible– ]

[They are here, quack!! Now I'm escorting them to your room, quack! Hurry, tidy up and welcome them, quack!!] Yaya shouted again, sounding desperate.

Lai Jiayi had to pause for a few seconds before her eyes popped out of its socket.

WHAT THE– They are really here?!

The girl felt like her fever just rose to 39° Celsius. She glanced back at the punishment list and the red warning notes below it.

Not doing the punishment will result in instant elimination. Make your room as messy as possible in front of Zhao Yang.

Lai Jiayi's heart skipped a beat.

'The hell!! So I get this punishment because they know Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun are already outside?! Fck– They must have spied on me through Yaya!!'

Lai Jiayi instantly rose from her bed and kicked her blanket to the floor. Sweat started to roll down her forehead, but the girl didn't care one bit.

'No wonder Yaya takes so long to get my medicine. He meets the duo Zhao! But why didn't he tell me sooner?!'

Lai Jiayi wobbled to her wardrobe, and once she arrived, she instantly rummaged the inside. She didn't care what clothes she found, but the girl just tossed everything out of the wardrobe.

She took out her bra, panties, jackets, sweaters, hats, makeup, accessories, towel, and even pads for menstruation.

Lai Jiayi threw all of it to the floor and started to kick it everywhere, scattering the stuff all over the floor. The girl just literally emptied her wardrobe.

As if it's not enough, the girl took a box of tissues and made a ball out of the tissues. Once she's done, she throws it all over the place.

Lai Jiayi then scanned her super messy room and thought that it was enough since her clothes were EVERYWHERE. There were lots of tissues on the floor, table, and even on the bed.

One could even step on the accessories on the floor and slip.

'This is enough, right? It's already messy, right– '

[Please make your study desk messy as well. Your shoe racks also have to be messy.]

Lai Jiayi had the urge to beat up the game system.

The girl's body shook hard. She found it hard to even walk to the study desk, yet the sound of footsteps climbing the wooden stairs just startled her.

! They will be here soon!

'If I don't make my room even messier, I'll fail the punishment and...instant elimination!!'

Lai Jiayi ran toward her study desk and just cluttered the stuff she got there. Mainly just her laptop and a few decorative things. The girl then dashed to the shoe rack and took everything she could find.

Lai Jiayi didn't hesitate to throw all of them to the floor, along with her socks.

Now the wooden floor was covered with clothes, stuff, shoes, and socks. Plus tissue.

It was so messy that one couldn't even see the surface of the floor.

'Done, right??'

Lai Jiayi stealthily went back to her bed and tucked in her blanket. The girl then closed her eyes just in time when Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun arrived at her room.

Since the room was immediately connected to the stairs, one could immediately see the room itself.

"Hey, miss– " Zhao Yun was about to shout when something blocked his throat. The super messy room greeted him, along with the suffocating air around.


Even Zhao Yang, who was standing beside Zhao Yun, also halted his steps. The man subconsciously frowned at this sight.

One could clearly see lots of clothes, scattered EVERYWHERE that it was hard not to notice it.

Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun instantly froze on the spot.

What...is this?!

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