"Pick Or Not"

The duo Zhao stared at the scattered clothes without blinking. Even Tianjin, who was following behind them, quickly averted her eyes and patted her forehead.

'This girl...even I as a fellow woman, feel super embarrassed for her!'

On the other hand, Yaya had the urge to refund his master and replaced her with someone else.

'Jia...what are you doing, ah?! Why the fck– There are bras and undies!!'

White foam flooded out of Yaya's mouth as the duck slowly floated toward the bed.

[Jia! What's going on, quack?! I told you to tidy up but you– ]

[It's the punishment for the barometer tournament. I have to make my room as messy as possible in front of Zhao Yang.]

Lai Jiayi spoke in her mind without opening her eyes. The girl pretended to sleep since…

She couldn't bear to see Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun when her room was like this.

'I'll die from embarrassment!!'

Lai Jiayi's face was red from embarrassment even when she didn't know how Zhao Yang would react to her messy room.

'I'll just hope he doesn't notice anything!'

Once Yaya knew the truth from Lai Jiayi's lips, the duck went limp. He fell to the bed and groaned.

[Jia, your image is gone now, quack! You left your bras and panties everywhere– aish. Good luck, quack.] Yaya patted Lai Jiayi's stomach and went back to the duo Zhao.

'I don't know if Jia can ever raise her barometer anymore. Zhao Yang had seen her scattered bras and undies. That...ugh. So. So. Sooooo EMBARRASSING!!'

At this moment, as Yaya went back to the duo Zhao's place, Zhao Yun was still gripping a go-green plastic bag in his hand. The plastic bag could melt and be environment-friendly.

One could see the inside was a small metal box used to contain food.

Zhao Yun looked down at the plastic bag and murmured to Zhao Yang. "Uncle, should we leave her or…"

'I don't know what's going on, but this...maybe I just disturbed miss witch resting time again? Like– The daycare manager told me that miss witch is sick. So it's true!'

"We came here because you are worried about her, right?" Zhao Yang shook his head. "Then, don't go home until you are sure she's fine."

Zhao Yang threw his gaze over the room and frowned again.

'I heard that this girl is sick. She had been showing symptoms since yesterday, yet I didn't think she would be sick for real.'

Zhao Yang sighed. He looked at the scattered clothes on the floor and somehow couldn't get mad at it even though he hates messy and dirty things the most.

'She is sick, but no one comes to treat her or something? Her room is a mess.'

The guy's heart just ached for the 'poor' girl. Knowing that the girl was sick, yet maybe no one took care of her, Zhao Yang made a move.

He slowly walked over to the bed while dodging the clothes on the floor.

His sudden action startled Zhao Yun and Yaya.

"Eh, uncle, what are you– "

"Yun Yun, I think you better stay there." Zhao Yang halted his steps and bent his back. The man picked up the clothes near his feet and looked back at the boy.

"It's inappropriate for you to see all of this."

'Because there are private things like bras and undies...Yun Yun can't see them! It's for 18+.'

"Why inappropriate? It's not like– " Zhao Yun paused. The boy just spotted pink panties not far from his place. His face suddenly blushed red, and the boy turned around.

"Alright, I get it!"

'So this is why uncle forbids me to go there, ah! Damn it, I didn't see it before, but now I see it…'

Zhao Yun's face turned even redder than before. The boy covered his eyes with his arms even when he already turned around.

At the same time, Yaya, who was watching the uncle-nephew interaction, had the urge to commit suicide.

'Jia!! Do you know embarrassing it is– gah!! And Zhao Yang, why are you allowed to come here when Zhao Yun can't? You are a grown-up man! You can't pick up Jia's clothes– '

Yaya hadn't finished his thought when Zhao Yang casually picked up the scattered clothes. Starting from the sweater, t-shirt, dressed, and other clothes near him.

The guy casually hung them on his left arm, and after his arm couldn't fit more clothes, he put down the clothes and started to fold them neatly.


The duck instantly tried to stop Zhao Yang. "B-boss, this– "

'Why the hell is he cleaning the room now?! Yo, you are a CEO, ah!!! Act like one!!'

"Master, let me do it." Even Tianjin also thought the same as Yaya. The swan silently spoke to Zhao Yang through telepathy.

[Master, remember, keep your dignity as a CEO! You can't just pick up that girl's clothes and fold them– ]

[Then get Miss Lai's friend downstairs to help. I'll just pick some clothes and let that red-haired girl fold it.]

Zhao Yang ignored Tianjin's words and started to pick up more clothes.

'How can I not tidy up her room? She must be so tired she doesn't bother with this at all. But, this is not healthy for her.'

Thinking like that, Zhao Yang strengthened his will to help Lai Jiayi. He cast aside his uncomfortable feeling regarding the girl's confession and just tried to help her.

A few minutes passed by, and now Zhao Yang had picked up the clothes. Only the bras and panties were left behind.

Zhao Yang stopped and mulled over it.

'Should I also pick these or not?'

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