"Soft Toward Her"

At first, Zhao Yang hesitated to pick the underwear. He just stared at it for a few seconds, still with a stoic expression on his face.

'If I don't pick them up, Yun Yun will see them, and it's not good for him. He's still too young to see this kind of thing.'

Zhao Yang closed his eyes and held his breath.

'Should I wait for the red-haired girl to come?'

Zhao Yang glanced at Tianjin, but the swan still didn't do anything.

'...I need Yun Yun to give that food to Lai Jiayi sooner before it cools down.'

The man just forgot that the metal box container had good technology. The food inside won't cool down even after a few hours.

But since Zhao Yang didn't remember that feature even though he was the inventor of the container, the man just looked down at the underwear on the floor.

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and sighed again.

'Fine. Just a few underwears. Nothing much.'

The man then slowly picked up the bras and the panties with a poker face. He didn't show any sign of embarrassment on his face.

His cheek didn't even blush red!

Yaya, who saw this, instantly had a wrong impression of Zhao Yang. All the good things he admired from the guy just vanished into thin air.

'Is he so used to picking up women's underwear that he doesn't look flustered at all?! So he's actually not loyal...but a stud-horse?!'

Yaya gawked at Zhao Yang in disgust while Tianjin was stupefied. The swan then kneaded her temple.

'Master, you can just wait until I get that red-haired girl to come and pick this underwear. Why are you so rash, ah??'

[Master, I'll get that girl to come upstairs. Please wait.]

Tianjin flew toward Zhao Yun and left the room, leaving Zhao Yang in the middle of the room. The guy just calmly picked up the scattered stuff and gathered it in one place.

He looked calm and composed in Yaya's eyes but little did he know, Zhao Yang's hands were trembling as he picked the underwear. His ears turned red, and the guy would occasionally avert his eyes away from the things.

'If that girl isn't sick, I won't do this.'

Zhao Yang started to regret his decision.

'Why am I so soft toward her? I should have left her alone!'

Zhao Yang clutched the white bra in his hand.

'...but maybe she's sick because I rejected her this morning.'

The guy felt a PANG to his heart.

'...once she has recovered...I have to keep a distance from her. I really can't get involved deeper into this weird relationship.'

With this thought in mind, Zhao Yang continued picking up Lai Jiayi's underwear.

Frankly speaking, even the girl's underwear was something Zhao Yang sent to her.

It was included in the giant gift box, but of course, Tianjin was the one picking up the underwear.

Zhao Yang didn't recognize any of the underwear, but as he picked up more than once, he slowly discovered the type and even the color.

Lai Jiayi's underwear was mostly pastel in color, such as white, pink, yellow, or pale blue. As for the model, it was the simplest thing out of so many futuristic-style underwears.

The panties and the bras were made out of regular cotton fabric. Some were made of silk, but that's it.

Zhao Yang had a blank expression at this realization.

'Ah, so she likes simple things– '

The guy abruptly halted. He was bending his back when he suddenly raised. No one in the room saw the man's face just turned crimson red.

'What the heck I'm thinking?! Underwear models??'

Zhao Yang wanted to stab his eyes, but he just clenched his teeth and speeded up the progress.

He was so quick that in just less than 5 minutes, he had picked up all the clothes on the floor, leaving only the other stuff.

"You can come here now." Zhao Yang crooked his finger, telling Zhao Yun to come. He silently sighed in relief while wiping his forehead.

'There's no dangerous things for Yun Yun to see. Safe.'

Zhao Yang silently nodded in satisfaction. He was still holding Lai Jiayi's bra on his hand as he walked toward the tower of clothes near the stair.

"Can I come in now? For real?" Zhao Yun turned around and scanned the room. There were no bras or panties anymore. It's really safe for him.

"Yes. Come in and see if Miss Lai is awake or not." Zhao Yang dropped the bra in his hand and dust off his palms.

'That's the last one.'

The man turned around and walked toward Lai Jiayi's bed, along with Zhao Yun. They didn't make any noise since both of them were barefoot.

But, Lai Jiayi could still hear their conversation. Thus, she knew that the two of them were coming near even though she didn't know what's going on before.

[Yaya, are they heading to my bed?!] Lai Jiayi squeezed her eyes and felt her forehead just became hotter.

Her fever rose again.

[Yes, quack!!] Yaya flew toward Lai Jiayi's bed and looked at the girl with pity in his eyes.

'Should I tell her that Zhao Yang had seen her underwear? He even picked them one by one and casually gathered it in one place.'

Yaya looked at Lai Jiayi's exhausted face and decided to keep it a secret.

'Jia will die if she knows that. Only Zhao Yang and I should know about this.'

[What are you going to do, quack?] Yaya glanced back at the two people arriving next to Lai Jiayi's bed.

Yep, they're here!

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