
Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun stopped a meter away from the bed and didn't come closer. Must be to prevent getting infected with Lai Jiayi's fever.

Lai Jiayi's breath stilled. She could sense that the two of them were very close to her right now.

'Gahhh, what to do? Keep pretending to sleep or…'

Lai Jiayi was in a dilemma when a notification sounded in her mind.

TING! [You accomplished a mission 'Make the target visit your house.' +300 points. Total points: 600 pt.]

Lai Jiayi almost opened her eyes and blew up her cover because of this notification.

[Do we have this kind of mission??] the girl asked Yaya. At this moment, the duck was watching Shan Liang coming in to pick up the messy clothes.

She then folded the clothes in silence. Thus, no one other than Tianjin and Yaya knew about this.

[Ah, ah? What did you say, quack?] Yaya turned his head around and looked at Lai Jiayi.

'Jia, you really have to thank your best friend later. She cleaned up the mess you created!!'

[I asked you before if there's such a mission? Inviting the target to my house.] Lai Jiayi gripped her blanket and tried to keep her acting.

[Oh, there is, quack. You can see it in the list, quack.] Yaya nodded. He had just answered Lai Jiayi's question when the duo Zhao spoke to each other.

"Uncle, she is sleeping. Should we wake her up?" Zhao Yun tugged Zhao Yang's pants. The young man's long coat just swayed because of the boy.

"...she has to eat." Zhao Yang glanced at Yaya and immediately asked the duck,

"Did she eat yet?"

"A-ah?" Yaya flinched. The duck peeked at Lai Jiayi's sleeping face and shook his head. "She hasn't, quack– "

"Alright. Then, we have to wake her up." Zhao Yang nodded. "We bring porridge so…" Zhao Yang stared at Yaya's frightened face.

"You wake her up, " Zhao Yang ordered Yaya. He just casually asked since Yaya was one of the AI he created. The man didn't feel hesitant to ask.

Yaya shuddered. The duck gulped and obediently followed Zhao Yang's order.

'That guy is always scary, ah! Is it because he is our creator? Mmm can be.'

Yaya trotted over to Lai Jiayi's place, and once he landed on the girl's chest, he gently poked Lai Jiayi's cheek with his wings.

"Jia, wake up, quack…" the duck murmured, half-pleading.

[You can stop acting, quack!! These two came all the way here just to get you a porridge, ah, quack!]

'Or maybe they also bring medicine.'

[Okay, okay, don't shout.] Lai Jiayi furrowed her eyebrows and slowly opened her eyes. The girl rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking like she really just woke up.

"What is it, Yaya…" Lai Jiayi mumbled in a weak voice. The girl didn't turn her head to the left. Somehow, she didn't dare to do so.

Why? Because once she saw Zhao Yang, she would feel like dying.

'Zhao Yang just saw my super messy room! What if he saw my underwear on the floor too??'

This thought just worsened Lai Jiayi's fever. The girl coughed once more, startling the duo Zhao.

"Miss! Are you okay??" Zhao Yun was flustered. The boy wanted to come closer, but Zhao Yang held him back.

"Distance." Zhao Yang shook his head. He then glanced back at Tianjin and spoke to the AI,

[Get me two surgical masks. Yun Yun and I can't get closer without wearing a mask.]

Tianjin had just finished helping Shan Liang to fold the clothes when she got this order. The swan nodded while answering,

[Alright, master. Let me grab some.] Tianjin flew downstairs again and headed to a nearby pharmacy to buy masks.

As Tianjin went downstairs, Shan Liang also followed. The girl carefully left so she won't disturb anyone.

'Uh, if I know Yiyi's boss will come here bringing food, I won't cook, ah.'

The red-haired girl rubbed her nose bridge and disappeared from the room.

Right after she's gone, Zhao Yun's voice sounded again.

"But, uncle– "

"For now, let's just greet her from this distance." Zhao Yang held Zhao Yun's shoulders while looking at Lai Jiayi.

The girl looked like she's in a daze. She didn't seem to notice their presence yet despite Zhao Yun shouting before.

"Good evening." Zhao Yang stiffly greeted the girl. He had a serious expression on his face, looking as if he was greeting someone important.

Lai Jiayi was still laying on the bed, but once she heard Zhao Yang's voice, she pretended to be shocked.

The girl turned her head to the left and gasped.

"B-boss?" Lai Jiayi stared eye-wide at the sight of Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun. "Zhao Yun?" The girl also mentioned the boy.

Her acting was superb. She looked like she just realized these two were here.

"Hello, miss!" Zhao Yun waved his hand and smiled from ear to ear. "Sorry to disturb you, we– "

"Wah– wah, w-wait a minute!" Lai Jiayi hurriedly raised and was about to get off the bed when the headache strikes again. The room was spinning around, and the girl wobbled.


"Ah, don't force yourself, miss!" Zhao Yun almost dashed to the bed if not for Zhao Yang still grabbing his shoulders.

'Ugh, I know miss will feel burdened with us coming here!'

Lai Jiayi touched her forehead and inhaled deeply, trying to subdue the headache when Zhao Yang suddenly spoke,

"You should lay down." The man furrowed his eyebrows. "No need to be so formal."

'Even in this condition, she still tries to be polite to us, huh?'

Zhao Yang didn't know why, but this fact just irked him.


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