"Nothing More"

Zhao Yang inhaled deeply and touched his bangle.

'Am I annoyed because this girl doesn't see us more than her boss? …but that's the truth. We are nothing more than the boss for her.'

Zhao Yang suddenly recalled Lai Jiayi's confession this morning, and he abruptly shook his head.

'...nevermind. Forget that. Our relationship is just between a boss and an employee. That's it.'

Thinking like this, the man looked at Lai Jiayi again and urged, "Hurry. Lay down."

Zhao Yang somehow looked eager to approach the girl and force her to lay down. But without the mask, he couldn't come closer.

Even Yaya also looked at Lai Jiayi with a worried look. "Lay down, quack! Your fever will worsen!"

"A-alright…" Lai Jiayi reluctantly lay down and tucked in her blanket again. The girl just weakly turned her head to the left.

Since the bed wasn't tall, the girl could only see Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun's legs. Thus, to look at their face, the girl tried to lift her head.

Noticing Lai Jiayi's hardship, Zhao Yang abruptly dragged Zhao Yun to sit down on the floor.

"Eh, uncle– "

"Miss Lai can't see us if we stand up." Zhao Yang disregarded all formalities and just plopped to the floor. He sat in a lotus position, along with Zhao Yun next to him.

When Yaya saw this, the duck couldn't help but suck in cold air.

'A prestigious CEO sits on the floor? Really? A CEO in most romance novels will never sit on the floor!'

Yaya was stupefied, but then he remembered that Zhao Yang also sat on the floor when they played the truth or dare game to celebrate Zhao Yun's birthday.

He looked casual back then, just like now. There's no way people would see him as the CEO of a huge company. Right now, he just looked like an average person.

Yaya squinted his eyes.

'This is weird. Zhao Yang looks totally unlike a CEO. At first, before we know him well, he does look like a cold, overbearing CEO.'

Yaya peeked at Zhao Yang, who was still sitting on the floor next to the bed.

'But now we are close enough to him...Zhao Yang doesn't look like a cold CEO anymore. What is this? It feels like...he isn't someone coming from a rich family.'

Yaya couldn't help but stare at Zhao Yang.

'The game company should have known a lot about Zhao Yang's family background, but...they don't tell us, the players.'

Yaya secretly sighed.

'It seems that there's something we need to find out by ourselves. Zhao Yang...there's a big secret this guy is hiding.'

Just as Yaya was observing Zhao Yang, Tianjin came back with two greenish surgical masks.

"Master, here." Tianjin handed the masks to Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang immediately wore it. The man gave the second mask to Zhao Yun.

"Here, wear this."

"Mn." Zhao Yun took the mask and also wore it. Now they got the masks, both of them could come closer to Lai Jiayi's bed. They shifted their butt while still sitting on the floor.

"Now, miss, I want to give you this…" Zhao Yun started to talk as he took out the metal box inside the transparent plastic bag.

The boy stood up and opened the metal box. A piping hot porridge instantly came into view, and the smell of a rich chicken broth filled the room.

"This…" Lai Jiayi looked up at Zhao Yun. The girl still laid down on the bed, wrapped safely inside the blanket.

'Chicken porridge? Eh…?'

"You haven't eaten, right?" Zhao Yun grinned. The boy took out a small metal spoon from the plastic bag and started to stir to hot porridge.

The half-raw egg on top of the porridge immediately scattered around the porridge, dyeing the white porridge with yellow.

"I-i haven't, but…" Lai Jiayi gulped. Her throat was sore, and it's hard for her to swallow food, but this porridge…

Looked perfect for her. It won't be hard to swallow the porridge, and it also smells good!

Lai Jiayi stared at the metal box with bright eyes, not noticing that she might drool anytime.

"Okay, miss, can you get up?" Zhao Yun smiled sweetly. The boy looked down at the weak girl on the bed, and his eyes darkened.

'Ah...miss is so pitiful. She has been trying hard to please me all-day so...I should help her too!'

Lai Jiayi nodded and slowly got up. The girl then took her pillow and stuffed it behind her. Now she could lean back comfortably.

"T-thank you for the food…" Lai Jiayi scratched her cheek and smiled sheepishly. The girl's face was still red, and there's not even an ice pack to cool her forehead.

Seeing Lai Jiayi's red face, Zhao Yang just felt like someone squeezed his heart.

'..is she really sick because I rejected her?'

The thought just worsened the guy's guilt. He looked at Tianjin and spoke in his mind,

[Get me a portable ice pack.]

That kind of ice pack won't cool down as long as it absorbs heat. This way, the ice pack won't stop working until the patient recovers from their fever.

[Should I buy it too, master?] Tianjin asked again.

'That kind of stuff isn't easy to find, ah.'

[Get one from our company's shop. You won't find it at a regular pharmacy.]

[Should I buy it by myself, or should I ask someone to deliver it?] Tianjin played with her wings.

'I don't want to go. I can't leave my master alone.'

Since this guy is so impulsive, he might do something to this girl that can lead to a misunderstanding!'

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