"Can't Understand Her"

Lai Jiayi closed her eyes, and her head throbbed again. Her forehead was so hot that she couldn't even sleep properly.

Recalling the on-going mission she had to do, Lai Jiayi felt that her future was bleak.

'Can I get just a day off to rest? No sudden mission, no otome game assistance, no players are trying to scheme me…'

Nah. Impossible, right?

[...help me think of something for the mission.] Lai Jiayi slowly opened her eyes. [My head hurts. I can't think of any ideas, so you help me.] She knitted her eyebrows. She looked like she's in pain.

[Okay, quack.] Yaya nodded. He then searched through all kinds of manga and novels he had read, just to find the scene where the male lead wiped the female lead's tears.

There weren't many scenes like that, but once Yaya found some, he immediately read it.

'Mmm, there are two kinds of scenes. The first is when the female lead is conscious, and the second is when she's not conscious.'

Yaya rubbed his chin.

'Zhao Yang will never wipe Lai Jiayi's tears if she's conscious, right? Wiping her tears is just too much for that guy.'

Yaya peeked at Zhao Yang again and somehow had the urge to buy a love potion or something.

'This will be so much easier if someone makes a love potion in the first place! Wait, the black market got one. Should I check them out?'

Yaya's mind already traveled to another place when Lai Jiayi whispered to the duck.

[Hey. Have you found any plans? Tianjin might be back any minutes.] Lai Jiayi gripped her blanket.

[Ah, wait, quack, I'm thinking about it.] Yaya snapped out of his daze and instantly went back to his research.

'Uh, okay, we can't get Zhao Yang to wipe Jia's tears when she's conscious. So...Jia has to pretend to be asleep and then cry in her sleep or something?'

Yaya closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He felt like becoming a secret agent– just for something useless, though.

'Alright, then...Jia needs to sleep first. But...with Zhao Yun here, will Zhao Yang ever do something that romantic?'

Yaya tilted his head.

'Patting head isn't as romantic as wiping one's tears. So...it might be difficult for Zhao Yang.'

Yaya clenched his teeth and paused for a few seconds before he looked at Lai Jiayi.

'Or should I distract Zhao Yun? I'll leave Jia and Zhao Yang alone, and Jia should pretend to be asleep. Next, she can act as if she has a nightmare until she cries!'

Yaya's eyes brightened. He hurriedly spoke to Lai Jiayi through telepathy.

[Jia, here's the plan, quack.] Yaya started to explain the plan he got in mind. Of course, his plan was simple enough since he couldn't think of anything.

Once Lai Jiayi finished listening to it, the girl weakly nodded. [Quite good. Let's do that.]

'I can't think of a better plan, after all. I'll just try this, and if I fail...let's pray the punishment won't be an instant elimination.'

[Then, I'll distract Zhao Yun first.] Yaya nodded. He quickly floated to Zhao Yun and waited until the boy finished talking with Zhao Yang.

Before Zhao Yang could talk again, Yaya immediately poked Zhao Yun's cheek and whispered,

"Young master, young master! I need your help, quack!" Yaya spoke in a low voice so that Zhao Yang couldn't hear him.

The boy paused. He stood still as he looked at Yaya in bewilderment. "What help– "

"You see, Jia likes to eat sweet things, and I'm currently trying to make one, quack!" Yaya lied without batting an eyelid simply because he didn't have one.

"But, I need one more person to help me to make the jelly, quack!" Yaya continued. "Can you help me, quack? Shan Liang is making dinner for her family, so she can't help for sure, quack."

Zhao Yun tilted his head. The boy looked at Yaya's stern face and somehow believed his words.

"I don't know that she liked to eat jelly…" Zhao Yun mumbled, before nodding his head. "Alright, I'll help you. Should I keep this a secret?"

'Yaya looks like he wants to make a surprise for miss witch.'

"Yes, quack. Keep this a secret, quack!" Yaya's eyes brightened. "Now, let's go downstairs, quack! It won't take long, I promise."

"Alright." Zhao Yun turned his head to the right and nudged Zhao Yang. The man was standing still, not doing anything other than typing on his hologram board.

"Uncle, I'll go downstairs for a while. You stay here, okay?"

"What– " Zhao Yang hadn't even given permission when Zhao Yun already ran away. The boy went down the stairs, followed by Yaya.


Zhao Yang stared at the boy's disappearing back with a frown on his face.

'What the. Why is that rascal like that? He suddenly leaves me?'

Zhao Yang touched his forehead and sighed. The man then paused for a moment, realizing that he was now alone with a girl in a room.

...should I leave?

Zhao Yang glanced at the stairs connecting to the room. There's no door, so he didn't really think of the bedroom as a room. It looked more like an attic.

The man turned around to look at Lai Jiayi again. Somehow without him knowing, the girl already dozed off. She was so unguarded at the moment that Zhao Yang felt like knocking some senses to the girl.

'How can she sleep so soundlessly when there's a man in her room? Isn't she afraid of men? I thought she wouldn't be able to sleep near a man!'

Zhao Yang sucked in cold air.

….what a strange girl. I can't understand her.

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