"Why Can't You Love Me?"

Zhao Yang massaged his nose bridge. The man then pondered for a while and decided to stay just in case Lai Jiayi's fever worsened.

'Tianjin will be back soon anyway.'

Zhao Yang looked around the room and found a chair not far from the bed. He walked toward the study desk and brought the wooden chair back to his place.

The man put down the chair next to Lai Jiayi's bed and sat on the chair. He crossed his legs before starting to work on the hologram board.

The man really wasted no time to finish his work. He knew that coming here just shortened the time he had to work on his duties. Thus, he used every single chance to work.

While Zhao Yang was busy working, Lai Jiayi stealthily glanced at the guy. She opened her left eye just for a bit to see what Zhao Yang was doing.

'...he is working. Geez, sometimes he doesn't look like a CEO, but at another time, he does look like one.'

Lai Jiayi closed her eyes again and tried to breathe normally. She repeated this for a few times, but then one thing suddenly came into her mind.

'...how the hell am I supposed to cry?'

The girl just hit a bottleneck. She had cried a lot today. Thus, to shed tears one more time would be tough!

Lai Jiayi's face turned grave. The girl bit her lips and thought hard.

'Should I recall all the grievances I have so far? Maybe I'll cry for real.'

Lai Jiayi decided to try recalling the tough times she had overcome.

'Okay, first...what upset me is how the game is so unfair. Or rather, it's just me having bad luck.'

Lai Jiayi slowly recalled the first time she stumbled upon the game and the reason why she played it.


Just by thinking about her dad, Lai Jiayi already felt her eyelids were hot. Tears started to gather at the edge of her eyes.

'I haven't seen my dad today. Lately, I am so occupied with the game that I don't have time to visit him…'

Lai Jiayi felt immense regret in her heart. The girl didn't know why, but the tears just slowly slid down her cheek.

...okay, I'm a crybaby. It turns out it's so easy to cry.

Now Lai Jiayi had slowly shed tears...the girl decided that she needed to strengthen her act.

'Let's mumble and sob so that Zhao Yang will notice me.'

Lai Jiayi squeezed her eyes tightly as tears kept flowing down her eyes.

"...dad…" the girl softly called her father while slightly sobbing. She furrowed her eyebrows and gritted her teeth.

"Dad...I…" Lai Jiayi started to wail in a low voice. It was just a whisper, but since the room was so quiet, Zhao Yang instantly heard it.

The guy swiped his hologram panel, returning it to his bangle. He then put down his leg and stared at Lai Jiayi.

'Did I hear it wrong? I heard this girl calling her father while crying…'

Lai Jiayi knew that she should turn her face toward Zhao Yang so the guy could see her tears. Thus, she slowly shifted her body and naturally turned around facing Zhao Yang.

Now, Zhao Yang could see Lai Jiayi's tears slowly sliding down her cheek, dripping to her pillowcase.

The girl's whole face was red, and every time she opened her mouth, white steam flowed out. The girl was shivering while softly calling her father.

"Dad...where are you…" Lai Jiayi sobbed again. Her voice was so hoarse and weak that it sounded heart-wrenching for a certain guy.

Zhao Yang's heart started to throb. He just had a soft spot for things called family.

"Miss Lai?" Zhao Yang called Lai Jiayi in a gentle voice. It was nowhere near his usual cold tone. Anyone who heard him right now would think that he finally went crazy.

"Mm…" Lai Jiayi groaned. The girl rubbed her cheek to the pillow while remembering her dad, so the tears didn't stop at all.

'Okay, I do feel sad, but why the heck my tears won't stop??'

Lai Jiayi's chest just tightened. It was suffocating for her. Somehow, her body felt heavy, and the surrounding was dark.

'This is just acting, right? I don't really feel sad…'

Lai Jiayi tried to convince herself but didn't know why since when the feeling became real. The image of her father's smiling face came into mind, and something just burst in her chest.

"Dad….I miss you…" Lai Jiayi subconsciously blurted out the things she thought of.


'Shit. I didn't mean to say that, ah!!'

Lai Jiayi instantly shut her mouth tight. The girl pursed her lips, trying to act tough, but that just brought another impact to a certain man.

A knife slashed Zhao Yang's heart, and the guy didn't realize his hand was already stretched out to the girl.

'Is she having a nightmare about her father now? Or does she miss him? Why is she crying? Her voice sounds so sad. What is she thinking right now?'

Zhao Yang's hand paused in front of Lai Jiayi's sleeping face.

'Don't cry…'

Zhao Yang saw Lai Jiayi cry, and it just brought out his unpleasant memories about the figure called 'father'.

Zhao Yang suddenly saw the memory when he was still a child.

The young boy in his memory was hugging his knees at the corner of a lavish room. His body kept shivering while watching a tall figure standing in front of him with a whip on his hand.

The child silently thought.

'Dad...why are you like this? Why do you keep beating me? Why...can't you love me?'

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