"Shall We Go Home?"

Lai Jiayi didn't answer Zhao Yun yet as her eyes were on Yaya. The duck hid behind Zhao Yang so no one could see him, before activating the invisible mode.

Now Yaya slowly disappeared. He was utterly unseen.

[I'll do it now, quack.] Yaya took a deep breath and slowly released the aphrodisiac gas from his beak. The duck floated near Zhao Yang to do this, and he stayed there for a few seconds.

Zhao Yang was standing still when he smelled something sweet yet unusual around him. It was oddly familiar, though.

The man couldn't help but frown. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked around, yet he found nothing.

'What is this smell? Incense?'

Right when Zhao Yang was wondering about the fragrance, Yaya stopped sending more gas to the guy. He quickly closed his beak and floated away from Zhao Yang.

[Done, quack!!] Yaya spoke in full excitement as he floated to Lai Jiayi's blanket. The duck snuggled inside and slowly dismissed the invisible mode.

'We did it!!'

[Omg, Yaya, you're the best!!] Lai Jiayi was on the edge of crying again. The girl peeked at the oblivious Zhao Yang and Tianjin. She held her breath and exhaled.

[Thank God Tianjin didn't notice you. I was afraid she would suddenly detect the gas as harmful or something…] Lai Jiayi patted her chest and closed her eyes.

She was talking with Yaya, but in other people's eyes, the girl just looked groggy.

[I also thought the same, quack. But thankfully, Tianjin isn't like that, quack. She will only detect the gas if she deliberately tries to seek it, quack.]

Yaya slowly came out of the blanket and hovered around Lai Jiayi. No one noticed that the duck just moved from behind Zhao Yang to beside Lai Jiayi.

[Mn, we are lucky that Tianjin isn't that omnipotent!] Lai Jiayi glanced at Tianjin, but then the girl suddenly squinted.

[But Yaya, will this be counted as drugging Zhao Yang? What if the system wants me to make the aphrodisiac work immediately?]

Lai Jiayi bit her lips. She subconsciously ignored Zhao Yun, who was feeding her the jelly. The girl just obediently opened her mouth without her realizing it.

Now people really thought that Lai Jiayi was still sleepy.

[Ah...but the system just said you need to drug Zhao Yang, quack. No further notes…] Yaya gulped. Sweat started to roll down his glossy skin.

'That game system is really annoying and cunning. What if it suddenly said the penalty doesn't count because Zhao Yang isn't showing an immediate response to the drug?'

Yaya looked at Lai Jiayi with a worried look. The same went for the girl. Lai Jiayi felt her heartbeat fasten when suddenly, a notification came to her mind.

TING! [You finish the penalty 'Drugging Zhao Yang with aphrodisiac.' Keep up the excellent job!]

Once the notification sounded, Lai Jiayi almost plopped to the bed.

[Ahhh, we did it!! It's counted!!] Lai Jiayi gripped her bedsheet tightly. She felt all her energy just left her body.

'Drugging Zhao Yang, the CEO of the biggest technology company in this country...one can imagine how dangerous that is!'

Lai Jiayi silently wiped her forehead. The girl was about to sigh in relief when Zhao Yun's voice startled her.

"Miss, are you alright? You are in a daze for so long…" Zhao Yun moved closer and touched Lai Jiayi's forehead.

'Miss didn't answer me when I asked her who gave her the ice pack...and then she had been eating the jelly with a blank look in her eyes!'

Lai Jiayi snapped out of her thoughts. The girl looked up at Zhao Yun, who was slightly taller than her in this position. The girl shook her head and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm fine...just a bit sleepy." Lai Jiayi rubbed her eyes and pretended to yawn.

'I can't tell this boy that I was actually drugging his uncle, right?'

"Ah, is that so?" Zhao Yun looked down at the empty plate, and the boy silently sighed.

'Since miss already eats all the jelly, maybe I should go home?'

Zhao Yun looked back at Lai Jiayi with a reluctant look.

'Though I want to stay longer, it's already 8. I have to go home soon.'

Zhao Yun suddenly looked back and spoke to Zhao Yang in a loud voice,

"Uncle, shall we go home now?"


Zhao Yang stared at Zhao Yun in suspicion. The guy peeked at Tianjin, and the swan also had the same look.

'What's wrong with this rascal? He suddenly wants to go home when usually, it will be so hard to get him to go home.'

Zhao Yang kept staring at Zhao Yun before sighing. "Alright. I'll call the driver." The man pressed his bangle's screen and sent a message to Chu Feng.

Of course, he just used his business number instead of his personal phone number.

"Done." Zhao Yang nodded. The guy still hasn't shown any symptoms. This made Lai Jiayi questioned in her heart.

[Yaya, is Zhao Yang truly drugged? The game system confirmed it, but– ]

[He is drugged, quack. But, the drug will only take effect in 30 minutes or an hour, quack. Maybe when he arrives at home, only then the drug takes effect, quack.] Yaya explained.

'This is why it's called a slow-acting drug.'

[Mmm when he arrived at home, huh?] Lai Jiayi closed her eyes and suddenly recalled Xuan Lincheng, the girl who was trying to scheme her this afternoon.

'I haven't got my revenge for that. I didn't do anything to Xuan Lincheng despite all the things she did to me in the past.'

Lai Jiayi's eyes sharpened.

Should I get my revenge now?

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