
[Yaya, Xuan Lincheng's job shift is at night, right?] Lai Jiayi silently asked Yaya through telepathy. One could see a sinister smile on her face, but the girl's hair entirely hid it.

[Yes, quack. It should begin from 6 p.m to 9 p.m, quack.] Yaya nodded.

[6 p.m...but it's already 8 o'clock now. So Xuan Lincheng has been waiting outside all this time?]

[Probably, quack. Zhao Yang usually goes home after sending off Zhao Yun, which is around 6:30, quack. But nowadays, I heard that he goes home at 8 or 9, quack.]

'And that's why Xuan Lincheng can't raise her barometer. Zhao Yang totally avoids her!'

[Mmm Zhao Yun said they will go home now, so Zhao Yang will still meet Xuan Lincheng today, right? Maybe only for a bit, but they will cross paths.]

Lai Jiayi rubbed her chin and subconsciously tugged the corner of her lips.

[I feel bad for drugging Zhao Yang, even though he was so kind to me. But that's the game fault, so why don't I...make use of this situation?] Lai Jiayi asked Yaya in a teasing tone.

'I haven't shown Xuan Lincheng the consequences of offending me. Tonight, I have to do that!'

[Make use of what situation, quack? What are you planning, quack?] Yaya furrowed his non-existent eyebrows.

'Jia is still planning to do something even when she's sick? Ugh, I don't know if she is tough or just pure reckless.'

[Let's see...my idea is like this, ] Lai Jiayi explained her plan to Yaya. The girl just got the idea, thanks to the aphrodisiac drug.

Once Yaya finished listening to the plan, the duck looked at Yaya with horrid eyes.

[What the hell, quack– That's too risky!! What if the accident really happens, quack?! Won't you just help them– ]

[I believe in Zhao Yang. Ah, no, I believe in Tianjin. Once Zhao Yang shows symptoms, Tianjin will scan him, and she will find the cause. What do you think will happen next?]

Lai Jiayi tapped her fingers on her lap as she gripped the ice pack falling on top of her blanket.

[Uh...Tianjin will make an antidote for the drug, quack?] Yaya tried to guess.

[Exactly! And this is why the accident will not happen. But, I don't think Xuan Lincheng will think THAT far. I know that she is desperate to raise her barometer.]

Lai Jiayi smiled like a crafty fox.

[If I rile her up, she won't be able to think straight, and hopefully, she will do just like what I want.] Lai Jiayi rubbed her palms. The girl peeked at Zhao Yang.

Her face then suddenly turned stern.

[But, there's still one thing I'm worried about. When Zhao Yang finds out he is drugged, will he suspect me? Tianjin will know that the drug is a slow-acting one.]

Lai Jiayi could feel a chill went down her spine just by imagining the scene.

[The last person he meets is me.] Lai Jiayi inhaled sharply.

[If Tianjin can pinpoint the specific duration for the slow-acting poison to take effect...Zhao Yang will undoubtedly suspect me.] Lai Jiayi pursed her lips, feeling her fever rose a bit.

Whenever she was worried about something, her fever just worsened.

Yaya didn't notice this. The duck just stared blankly at Lai Jiayi, not thinking about what the girl thought at all.

'I...didn't think like that, ah! But, that's logical. Zhao Yang will surely suspect Jia later!'

[S-should we give him the antidote now, quack? So he will never know he was drugged, quack, ] Yaya suggested.

[Nah. If we do that, we won't have any chance to get revenge on Xuan Lincheng.] Lai Jiayi shook her head. The girl stayed silent for a few seconds before looking at Yaya with clear eyes.

[I think we should take a gamble. Zhao Yang meets so many players today due to the tournament event. He might suspect one of them instead of questioning me.]

[How so, quack?]

[First, Zhao Yang has a trauma of falsely accusing me. He will think twice to suspect me.] Lai Jiayi gripped the cold ice pack tightly, feeling the cold sensation just calm her mind too.

She could think clearly now.

[Second, I'm sick. I know that Zhao Yang is kind-hearted. He's not as cold as people describe him. So, do you think he will have the heart to accuse a sick person?]

Lai Jiayi had a thin smile on her face. Her heart throbbed for a second.

'I'm sorry, Zhao Yang. I make use of your kindness…'

The girl bit her lips and felt her chest tightened. It was suffocating for her to breathe.

Yaya instantly noticed Lai Jiayi's change, and the duck hurriedly snuggled to the girl's neck.

[I know you feel bad for Zhao Yang, quack, but what can we do? The most you can do to ease your guilt is to help Zhao Yang with anything, quack.]

'Maybe like saving Zhao Yun, protecting the guy and such.'

Yaya didn't mention any of this, but Lai Jiayi already knew what Yaya meant.

[Yeah...I know. It's all for the sake of winning.] Lai Jiayi took a deep breath and steeled her heart.

'No matter what, I have to teach Xuan Lincheng a lesson. Whether she takes my trap or not, it depends on her.'

Lai Jiayi's eyes glinted in a dangerous light.

'Don't blame me if you get eliminated, Xuan Lincheng.'

Right after Lai Jiayi made sure of her plan, Zhao Yang's voice sounded in the room.

"Yun Yun, the driver is here." Zhao Yang glanced at Lai Jiayi as he spoke to Zhao Yun.

Lai Jiayi subconsciously flinched.

...why is he looking at me??

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