"Seducing Him" 

'Zhao Yang is someone with a high sense of responsibility. If he realizes he makes a mistake when under the aphrodisiac effect, he will still take responsibility.'

Xuan Lincheng gulped.

'He might make a marriage contract with me or something. Not to mention if I'm pregnant…'

Xuan Lincheng's eyes brightened.

'Then it will be easy for me to stay beside him! About his feelings toward me, I can slowly cultivate our love as long as I can stay near him.'

Xuan Lincheng giggled. The girl then looked at her AI and spoke in her mind,

[Hey, why don't we make use of this aphrodisiac?]

'I don't know who drugs him, but this is like a pie falling from the sky!

[W-what do you mean, milady– ]

[I'll meet him and make that guy lay his hand on me.] Xuan Lincheng tugged the corner of her lips.

'This is such a brilliant idea!'

[W-what?!] Bunnie was so surprised that she almost fainted on the spot.

'Milady wants to seduce Zhao Yang?!'

[N-no, milady, t-that is dangerous– ]