"Finding The Culprit" 

Zhao Yang gradually raised. The guy then straightened his back as he sat on the bed in a lotus position.

"Fuh…" Zhao Yang touched his head and combed his hair back, showing his forehead. The man suddenly looked different than his usual appearance with his forehead showing.

He looked somewhat overbearing and fierce compared to his usual self. If Lai Jiayi saw this guy right now, she might faint out of fear.

Thank God, only Tianjin saw Zhao Yang at the moment. The swan secretly scanned Zhao Yang's body again, and after she was sure the drug was gone, only then she could sigh in relief.

The swan wobbled and fell to Zhao Yang's lap.

"Ha...master...Thank God, you are okay…" Tianjin rubbed her eyes and stayed on Zhao Yang's thigh. The swan laid down on her tummy as she had exhausted all her energy.

Zhao Yang's eyes turned soft. The man chuckled.

"Sorry, I make you worried."