"Making Her Move" 

Once Zhao Yang thought of Lai Jiayi as one of the possible culprits, the man immediately halted. He lifted his face and shook his head.

'No, no, how could I suspect a sick person? If Lai Jiayi is the culprit, why would she use a slow-acting drug instead of a fast-acting?'

Zhao Yang closed his eyes. His eyelashes trembled.

'There's no reason for that girl to drug me. What good is it for her? She fears men, so why would she drug someone that might attack her?'

Zhao Yang instantly erased Lai Jiayi from the culprit list. The guy convinced himself that Lai Jiayi wasn't the culprit.

Even though...all proofs were pointing at that girl.

Zhao Yang ruffled his hair again and sighed. He abruptly stood up and walked toward the door.

'Nevermind. I'll find this culprit after Tianjin wakes up. For now…'

Zhao Yang stood in front of the door, and it was opened automatically.

'I'll go to my office.'