"Wonder Why"

'Else I can't return that bunny tomorrow morning as per my promise.' Was what Zhao Yang didn't say. The guy just kept a stoic face as he spoke so no one could see his thoughts.

Lai Jiayi sheepishly smiled. "Ah, i-is that so.. "

'So, Tianjin doesn't come here. Then, if I don't bump into Zhao Yang, Tan Xinya might do whatever she wants to this guy without fearing Tianjin!'

Lai Jiayi clasped her thigh tightly. The girl touched her left arm and shuddered.

'Thank God I stalk Zhao Yang. Else, Tan Xinya might reap a lot of benefits without Tianjin's presence.'

Seeing the girl didn't talk anymore and was deep in thoughts, Zhao Yang suddenly had the urge to ask. He slowly opened his mouth and mumbled,

"Why...did you come here?"

"Huh?" Lai Jiayi snapped out of her thoughts. The girl blinked her eyes at Zhao Yang.

'Eh, what did he ask me? Did I hear it wrong? Zhao Yang asked why I came here?? That's...so not like him.'