"Solving The Misunderstanding"

When Lai Jiayi was thinking, Zhao Yang stole a peek at the girl's face. He unconsciously touched his bangle.

'...why is she acting normal? She was crying a few hours ago because of me, but now she's talking with me as if nothing happened?'

Zhao Yang knitted his eyebrows. His chest tightened.

'Did I overthink? Maybe she didn't cry because of me– '

"A-ah right, boss, " Lai Jiayi suddenly spoke. The girl maintained her distance from the guy, but it was less than a meter. "A-about this evening…"


Zhao Yang shuddered. The guy instantly looked away from Lai Jiayi while gasping for air.

'Does she want to bring up the incident when she cried? Does she wants to blame me– '

"T-truthfully, I-i wasn't crying…" Lai Jiayi scratched her cheek.

'Let's solve the misunderstanding now so tomorrow...I can just plan other things to raise the barometer in one go.'